We carried out a consultation on the Staveley and Rother Valley Area Action Plan – Preferred Option.
Thank you to those who submitted comments; these will be reported to the council's Local Plan steering group and used in the preparation of a version of the plan to be submitted to the Secretary of State at a later date. There will be a further opportunity to comment on this submission plan at a date to be announced. In the meantime, the representations received on the preferred options can be viewed here.
Return to Local Plan examination library.
The Area Action Plan will contain regeneration proposals for the former industrial land alongside the River Rother near Brimington and Staveley, including the former Staveley Works site. The plan sets out how the site could be redeveloped over the next 10 to 15 years and contains proposals for a new community of up to 2,000 houses and 30,000 sq m of new employment land, a new local centre accessible to existing residents in the surrounding area and improvements to the river and canal environments. Proposals also include a new spine road through the site to improve access and in the future be connected to a longer Staveley-Brimington bypass.
How was the Area Action Plan prepared?
The council, jointly with Chatsworth Settlement Trust (the main landowner) and the Homes and Communities Agency (formerly English Partnerships), commissioned a feasibility study in 2008 to identify the issues in this area and what uses might be appropriate for the future. The study was prepared by Taylor Young Ltd., who previously prepared the successful masterplan for the A61 corridor area in Chesterfield (which included the Chesterfield Waterside project and Dema Glass site).
A baseline report gathered background information about the site on topics such as ground conditions, flood risk, transport and access, and resulted in four options, which were the subject of public consultation in 2009 and informed the preparation of the preferred option plan.
Issues and options
An 'issues and options' public consultation took place from June to August 2009. The aim of the consultation was to get views from landowners and the local community as to what the best long-term planning options for the site might be.
The comments made during this consultation were then used as part of the process of scoring the development options to find which was the best fit. This process also considered how the options performed in terms of environmental, traffic, regeneration and visibility.
A sustainability scoping report has been prepared that looks at the environmental, social and economic issues affecting the site and the wider area.
SRVC AAP Preferred Option November 2012 | (PDF 3.84 MB) |
SRVC Options Report | (PDF 3.39 MB) |
Staveley AAP Feasibility Study Options Appraisal – Revised | (PDF 3.07 MB) |
Chapter 1 Executive Summary | (PDF 317 KB) |
Chapter 2 Introduction | (PDF 2.17 MB) |
Chapter 3 Planning Policy Context Pt1 | (PDF 3.73 MB) |
Chapter 3 Planning Policy Context Pt2 | (PDF 406 KB) |
Chapter 4 Geo Environmental Study | (PDF 769 KB) |
Chapter 5 Transport Infrastructure Pt1 | (PDF 3.33 MB) |
Chapter 5 Transport Infrastructure Pt2 | (PDF 1.64 MB) |
Chapter 6 Flood Risk | (PDF 1.7 MB) |
Chapter 7 Property Market Overview | (PDF 150 KB) |
Chapter 8 Urban Landscape Analysis Pt1 | (PDF 2.93 MB) |
Chapter 8 Urban Landscape Analysis Pt2 | (PDF 2.48 MB) |
Chapter 9 Consultation | (PDF 90 KB) |
Chapter 10 SWOT Summary Pt1 | (PDF 2.93 MB) |
Chapter 10 SWOT Summary Pt2 | (PDF 2.49 MB) |
SRVC Sustainability Appraisal | (PDF 1.73 MB) |
How can I find out more?
If you want to find out more, please contact:
- Alan Morey on 01246 345371 or by email at alan.morey@chesterfield.gov.uk
- Scott Nicholas on 01246 345796 or by email at scott.nicholas@chesterfield.gov.uk