If you want to sell alcohol, provide entertainment or sell late night refreshments on unlicensed premises, you need a temporary event notice.
A temporary event notice (TEN) allows you to carry out activities that would normally need a licence and is intended for small scale, occasional events.
Temporary event notices (TENs) can also be used by existing licence holders that want to carry out licensable activities not already included on their premises licence.
- you must be 18 years of age or older to apply for a TEN
- there must be no more than 499 people at your event at any one time (including staff)
- your event must last less than 168 hours (7 days)
- you need a TEN for each separate event that you hold, even if it's on the same premises
- there must be at least 24 hours between separate TENs from the same applicant for the same premises
- there is a £21 fee to pay for each TEN
There are two types of TEN - a 'standard TEN' and a 'late TEN'
Standard TEN - this is where your notice has been received ten working days or more before the date of the event.
Late TEN - this is where your notice is received between five and nine working days before your event. You cannot apply for a late TEN less than five days before your event is due to take place.
Number of TENs you can apply for
- if you don't hold a personal licence you can get up to five TENs per year, two of these can be late TENs
- if you already hold a personal licence you can get up to 50 TENs per year, 10 of these can be late TENs
- the premises can have up to 15 TENs per year, as long as the total length of the events is not more than 21 days
How to apply
It's a good idea to get your application in early, so there will be plenty of time to sort out any problems that might come up.
You can apply online here and pay the £21 fee by credit or debit card.
When you apply online we'll send copies of your application to Derbyshire Police and the Environmental Protection team for you.
Other things to think about
You might be holding a prize draw, bingo or other form of gambling at your event. See our Gambling page for more details about permissions you may need.
If your event involves food and drink you will need to register with us - find out more here. You might also like to contact our Food Safety team for advice about preparing and serving food safely.
Our noise pages give lots of useful information about how you might inadvertently cause a nuisance to neighbouring homes during your event, such as from loud music, fireworks etc.
When you apply for a TEN, please take time to consider all noise sources for your event and fill in the Noise Management Plan (part of the Council’s Noise Control at Events Policy).
Please submit your completed document by email to pollution@chesterfield.gov.uk, or by post / hand delivery when you submit your application.
Every application for a TEN should be supported by a completed Noise Management Plan no matter how many such events you have had.
Failure to submit a completed Noise Management Plan may affect the success of your application.
Licensable activities include:
- selling alcohol
- serving alcohol to members of a private club
- providing regulated entertainment, such as music, dancing or indoor sporting events
- serving hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am
A temporary event notice covers 'regulated entertainment'.
Regulated entertainment generally includes:
- the performance of a play
- the exhibition of a film
- an indoor sporting event
- boxing or wrestling
- a performance of live music
- any playing of recorded music
- a performance of dance
- entertainment of a similar description (for example, a circus)
To be licensable, one or more of these activities needs to be provided for the purpose (at least partly) of entertaining an audience; has to be held on premises made available for the purpose of enabling that activity; and must also either:
- take place in the presence of a public audience, or
- where it takes place in private, be the subject of a charge made with a view to profit
The Gov.uk website has lots of useful information about whether your activity is licensable, and full details can be found in the Licensing Act 2003 legislation.
When you apply for a temporary event notice you also send copies of your application to Derbyshire Police and the council's Environmental Protection team.
They can object to your TEN application if they believe your event is likely to
- lead to crime and disorder
- cause a public nuisance
- be a threat to public safety
- put children at risk of harm
Standard TEN applications
If you made a standard TEN application it will be referred to the council's licensing committee for them to decide whether or not to grant the notice. They will meet at least 24 hours before the date of the event and, if your TEN is granted, they may add conditions.
If you disagree with the licensing committee’s decision, you can appeal to your local magistrates’ court. You must do this within 21 days, and at least 5 working days before the date of your event.
Late TEN applications
If you made a late TEN application then your TEN won't be granted as there will not be enough time for a hearing to be held.
If your temporary event notice is rejected you will have to cancel your event, or rearrange it without the licensable activities that you had planned.
No, you don't have to send your TEN application online, but it's faster and simpler if you do.
You will need to complete the TEN application form and make additional copies to send to Derbyshire Police and the Environmental Protection team.
Temporary Event Notice guidance | ![]() |
Temporary Event Notice application form | ![]() |
Apply by post
Send your completed application and cheque for £21 made payable to Chesterfield Borough Council to:
Chesterfield Borough Council Licensing Authority
Customer Service Centre
Town Hall
S40 1LP
You also need to send a copy to:
Derbyshire Constabulary Licensing Unit, Chesterfield Police Station, Beetwell Street, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 1QP, and
Chesterfield Borough Council Environmental Protection, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 1LP
Apply in person
Bring your completed application to the Customer Service Centre during the following times:
- Monday: 10am to 12 noon, 1pm to 4pm
- Tuesday: 1pm to 4pm
- Wednesday: 10am to 12 noon, 1pm to 4pm
- Thursday: 1pm to 4pm
- Friday: 10am to 12 noon, 1pm to 3.30pm
You can pay your £21 fee by cash, cheque or credit/debit card at the Customer Service Centre.
You still need to send your other copies to Derbyshire Police and the Environmental Protection team as above.
Please note:
Your application is not considered to have been received until your payment has been made. You must send the extra copies to Derbyshire Police and the Environmental Protection team at the same time as you send your main TEN application to the licensing team.
You could be fined if you make any false statements in your application, or face prosecution if you breach the terms of the notice.
If you don’t have a TEN and carry out an activity that you should have a licence for (or allow your premises to be used for one), you can be fined, sent to prison for up to 6 months, or both.