New Square and Market Place

A multi-million pound investment will revitalise our historic market grounds.

Our vision is to create a modern, vibrant town centre experience with additional space alongside our traditional markets to host outdoor events, speciality markets and entertainment.

We will take a sympathetic approach which builds on our proud history and heritage while improving the quality of the public realm.

Market Place

The above image shows: 

1- A new seating area with proposed playful features and planting

2 - Flexible space for event use and temporary market stalls on busy market days

3 - Existing vehicular access in combination with new security measures

4 - Resurfaced High Street with trees and seating areas 

5 - Reconfigured permanent market, with central, flexible events space and re-use of existing cobbles combined with new stone surface

6 - A new pocket park with spill out space from the Market Hall, seating and tree planting

Proposals for this area – which is made up of three key spaces - Market Square, New Square and a new pocket park on Low Pavement - have been drawn up in consultation with local traders.

Chesterfield’s Market Square and New Square currently host a similar array of market stalls, many of which are underused.

The redistribution of permanent and temporary stalls - focusing the permanent market within Market Square, and temporary stalls in New Square - will make the space more flexible and allow other events to happen and provide more reasons for people to visit Chesterfield. The pocket park will provide valuable seating, surrounded by new planting, and shelter to the market stalls.

The existing surface materials (stone flags and cobbles) are high quality, durable and reflect the history of the town. The ambition is to repurpose and reuse these materials where possible, addressing accessibility issues, and delivering a sustainable solution to paving. An injection of new stone will enliven the existing materials and redefine the key spaces, supplemented with carefully positioned tree planting and street furniture.

The town centre is predominately hard paved with a limited number of mature trees. We will plant more trees to create an attractive environment, encourage people to dwell in the town centre, and improve biodiversity.­­­

Please note that these designs are early-stage concepts that will need further work to fully resolve transport and highways aspects prior to implementation being possible.

Find out more about our proposals for bringing our historic market grounds alive.