We want to create better-connected, better-looking public spaces that build on our proud history and heritage – while also considering our climate change commitments and the future sustainability of our borough.
Embrace Heritage
Chesterfield’s heritage is rich and diverse with many listed buildings and structures, the vision aims to celebrate this heritage through materials, furniture and wayfinding.
The town has had a market since 1156 with the current market hall dating to 1857. Within the market site itself
The Water Pump which sits at the northwest corner of Market Square is grade II* listed, with inscriptions from 1776 and 1826. This pump is a key feature of Chesterfield’s outdoor market, formally a focal point for public celebration and debate. The delivery of the vision will re-establish the pump as a focal feature of Market Square. there are several Grade II listed buildings located to Low Pavement and the Market Hall. Some of the traditionally styled lamps are also Grade II listed. Below is an example of a heritage plinth.
Encourage play
The vision aims to encourage playful activities throughout the town centre via both permanent and temporary informal play elements. Aiming to create an environment that encourages children and adults alike to play and interact.
The playful elements are not intended to be prescriptive play, but elements that incorporate the potential for play whilst also providing alternative uses. Below is an example of play in a town centre.
Wayfinding and signage
Effective and attractive signage is essential to create a legible network of spaces and to allow the effective movement through the town centre. Functional and sculptural signage will be implemented throughout the masterplan area, with opportunities to incorporate heritage items and lighting. Below is an example of an information sign.
Landmark Views
The proposals celebrate the historic views of the Church of St Mary and All Saints and Chesterfield Market Hall. These buildings act as important wayfinding markers for those making their way through the town centre. Improved lighting will further celebrate these iconic buildings and add a vibrant dynamic to Chesterfield during the darker hours. Celebrating iconic views of Chesterfield like below is a key aim.
A safe space
It is essential that the town centre improvements create a safe and inviting place for residents and visitors. The proposals include a range of measures including CCTV, bollards, street furniture and planting to ensure that the town centre is kept as safe as possible. Below is an example of hidden bollards.
Sustainability and climate change
Under Chesterfield Borough Council’s Climate Change Action Plan, we aim to be a carbon neutral borough by 2050.
Embedding green principles into the future of our town centre will support this, and the following proposals can be found within these initial concept designs:
- Control of traffic to reduce pollution levels
- Lighting that considers ecological impacts as well power efficiency
- The re-use of existing materials
- Increase in town centre planting and biodiversity including street trees for shading and carbon absorption
- Natural drainage systems
- Further canopies over stalls to provide shade and shelter
Climate change and sustainability will be key considerations throughout the ongoing development and delivery of the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield Master Plan. Below is an example of tree planting in a town centre.
Lighting and digital connectivity
Attractive lighting and new digital facilities will feature across the regeneration sites - creating a more attractive, better connected and safe town centre for everyone to enjoy.
These are being commissioned separately but will in principle our aim is to:
- use lighting to create character, ambience and focus in key areas – while creating an environment which feels safe and secure, and deters anti-social behaviour
- increase the digital connectivity in the town centre, supporting the 5G roll out, and to help us better understand and respond to how people use the town centre
The lighting strategy could include the lighting of the Market Hall.