Find out more and get involved
There will be lots of opportunities to get involved and have your say.
More information about our plans for Staveley.
Our Staveley Town Deal Team is also on hand to help from our office at The Healthy Living Centre, Barlow Road, Staveley S43 3XR. If you wish to speak to someone in person or request a phone call to discuss the Town Deal, please email or phone 01246 936762 and leave a message. One of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.
A Town Deal is an agreement between the government, the Lead Council, and the Town Deal Board. A Town Investment Plan was produced locally which sets out a vision and strategy for the town, and how each project contributes to achieve this vision. Funding for the Town Deal comes from the government’s Levelling Up Programme.
The aim is to deliver regeneration projects with and for the communities of the Staveley area.
The Staveley Town Deal is led by Chesterfield Borough Council and is a programme of projects, which cover the themes of Place, Health and Wellbeing, Innovation and Enterprise, and Inclusive Growth.
The Staveley Town Deal covers the area shown within the outer green boundary on the map below (click the map to open a larger PDF version):

The funding will support in the delivery of the projects. The Town Deal will leave a legacy for the people of Staveley, ensuring that Staveley is a place to start, to stay and to grow.
Projects have started work to deliver the projects. Much of the planning and preparation is happening and projects need to be completed before the overall deadline date of March 2026.
Each of the projects has a different completion date. We expect that you will be able to see things taking shape on the ground on most of the projects during 2024 and into 2025.
Staveley Town Deal was awarded £25.2m capital funding to invest across the Staveley area. These projects have all been approved by the Town Deal Board.
In addition, £500,000 was granted as Accelerator Funding to kick start the programme and funded these projects in the area:
- Play Equipment at King George V Park
- Drainage for the Staveley Miners Welfare Football Junior Pitches
- CCTV in Staveley Town Centre
- Development and site work for the DRIIVe project
- An outdoor Performance Canopy at Springwell Community College
The Town Deal is a golden opportunity to shape the future of Staveley by creating new jobs and training opportunities, new business units, improving community facilities and making the most of our green spaces and canal restoration.
Find details about the projects in the Staveley Town Deal.
Work to deliver the projects has now begun. Each of the projects have a different estimated completion date but all must be completed by March 2026.
More details on the projects as they progress will be added to this webpage.
All projects are now confirmed, and we cannot invite new projects to the Programme or secure any more Town Deal funding.
However, if you do have a significant project that you are working on, we would love to hear about it to see how it fits in with the aims of the programme, and if there are any other funding sources that we can direct you to, to make sure that the maximum benefit is gained from it.
Town Deals will deliver between March 2021 to March 2026. The funding will be spent over the five-year period, steered by the Staveley Town Deal Board, and with the overall programme managed by Chesterfield Borough Council.
The Staveley Town Deal Team tries very hard to share information and get people’s views about the Town Deal.
The ways in which we engage and communicate with the community include:
- online information through methods such as the Town Deal website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Chesterfield Borough Council’s social media, online surveys, emails to people who have asked to be kept up to date
- printed information, including a project summary booklet, posters and banners, postcards and leaflets, paper surveys
- attendance at events in the local area or concerning the community
- consultation exercises where appropriate, both whole Town Deal consultations and for individual projects
- the team is based in Staveley and can be contacted by email, phone or in person. Members of the team are regularly out in the community and are happy to talk to anyone about the Town Deal and the projects
Yes, as much as possible. The procurement and contracting process for the Town Deal projects will publicise opportunities as widely as possible and local businesses that meet the criteria are very welcome to bid for work packages.
There is a Shop Front Grant scheme planned in Staveley Town Centre. Each retailer will procure their own works, which is likely to draw upon suitably qualified local businesses, with specialist skills and knowledge.
Businesses and suppliers interested in working on the Town Deal should contact the Town Deal team.
No, all the funding is coming from central government.
All Town Deals have to have an Accountable Body, which has to be the Borough or District council in the locality.
Chesterfield Borough Council is the Accountable Body for the Staveley Town Deal, with responsibility for managing the funding received from Government and ensuring the project leads have the appropriate systems in place to manage their project. The Council also oversees the governance of the Staveley Town Deal Board.
Chesterfield Borough Council is also the project sponsor for three of the Town Deal projects: DRIIVe, Construction Skills Hub and Staveley 21 (Town Centre).
The Staveley Town Deal Team would love to hear from you! You can contact us on or phone us on 01246 936762.
If you wish to speak to us in person, you can contact us to make an appointment to see us at The Healthy Living Centre in Staveley.