Inclusive Pedals


Chesterfield Borough Council have partnered with social enterprise Inclusive Pedals to establish an adapted cycling hub in Queen’s Park.

The hub was funded by Derbyshire Sport (now Active Derbyshire) to provide a fleet of 15 three and four-wheel bikes.

The fleet includes a range of bikes, including a hand cycle, a two-seater, a wheelchair carrier and various trikes. Staff ensure that riders get the best experience possible.

Inclusive Pedals deliver adapted cycling sessions in Queen's Park for groups and individuals, using the old cycle race track which runs around the perimeter of the cricket pitch. More able groups can use the traffic-free link towards the railway station for a longer ride, or the Hipper Valley route to Somersall Park on quiet roads.

Groups can book a private session on any weekday between 9.30am and 4pm, for an affordable price.

Inclusive Pedals deliver a range of cycling projects, including Dr Bike workshops (monthly in Queen’s Park) which provide free bike checks and repairs, Cycling Without Age, Community Cycle Club, the Couch to 10 Miles programme, as well as led rides.

For more information on their projects and programmes, visit the Inclusive Pedals website, email or call 07834 838076.


Adaptive cycling taster sessions

Taster sessions take place on the first Friday of the month, 1pm to 3pm, from March until October. No booking is required, as users simply need to turn up to the cricket pavilion. Sessions are free of charge, but a £1 donation per rider is always greatly appreciated to help fund maintenance of the fleet.