
If you have suffered flooding or want to know how to try and prevent flooding to your property, you may need help or advice on what to do next.

Latest weather information

The Met Office publish severe weather warnings, as well as local weather forecasts.

Flood warnings

See the flood information service for the latest flood warnings for our area.

You can also register to receive flood warnings by phone, text or email.

What should I do if there is a flood warning?

GOV.UK has advice for what to do if there is a flood warning and what to do if your property is at risk of flooding, including information about how to protect your property.

Is my property at risk?

You can find out if your property is at risk of flooding on the Gov.uk website.

Get help during a flood

The GOV.UK website has information about how you can get help during a flood, including how you can protect yourself, your family and your belongings. 

Travel updates

During a flood, listen to your local radio stations for details of travel disruption. Find out more from Greatest hits radio (North Derbyshire), BBC Radio Sheffield and BBC Radio Derby for travel around our area.


Where necessary we will distribute sandbags to vulnerable properties known to be at risk. Call us on 01246 345345 for further information (out of hours – emergencies only 01246 345395).

Sandbags and sand are also available to buy from some local DIY stores, or you can make your own using old pillowcases or carrier bags filled with sand or earth.

Who co-ordinates a response to a flooding event?

Derbyshire County Council is the lead local flood authority and is responsible for coordinating a response by local authorities and the emergency services during a major flood event.

The latest flooding information for the county will be posted on Derbyshire County Council's latest flood update page.

Financial assistance for residents and victims of flooding

Residents and businesses that have been affected by flooding can receive financial assistance. Derbyshire County Council's page on financial assistance for residents and businesses after flooding provides more information.