Dog control PSPO consultation
We are keen to welcome dog walkers and dogs to the Borough and also want to encourage responsible dog ownership.
There are public concerns over irresponsible dog ownership, including complaints of dog attacks on people and their pets, dog fouling and dogs out of control.
The Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 provides a legal framework for local authorities to be able to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in a geographical area by way of a designating a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) – which are designed to ensure that the law-abiding majority can use and enjoy public spaces, safe from anti-social behaviour.
The current PSPO came into force in July 2018 and was in place for a period of three years with an expiry date of July 2021.
We were required to review the existing PSPO (Dog Control) 2018 and as part of this review we consulted with residents and other interested stakeholders.
Extended PSPO for Chesterfield
Chesterfield Borough Council’s Public Spaces Protection Order (Dog Control) 2021 was extended for a period of three years from 20 August 2021 to 19 August 2024, this was approved at the council’s cabinet meeting on 20 July 2021. This followed a period of public consultation in accordance with Section 60 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
A copy of this decision is available below, along with a copy of the renewed PSPO (Dog Control) 2021, and Public Notice.
Public Spaces Protection Order - Dog Control - 2021 | (PDF 2.83 MB) |
PSPO Dog Control - 2021 Public Notice | (PDF 61 KB) |
Cabinet Decision Notice 20 July 2021 | (PDF 333 KB) |
The Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is a power under the Anti–Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
In October 2017, Dog Control Orders were replaced by Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs).
We consulted residents on the introduction of new PSPO areas between 26 September 2016 to 4 November 2016, the headline results are below:
Consultation on Public Space Protection Orders PSPOs Headline Report | (PDF 73 KB) |