The new town centre PSPO controls the drinking of alcohol in the streets and public places in Chesterfield town centre. It replaces, or varies, previously existing Designated Public Places Orders.
Designated Public Places Orders (DPPOs)
A Designated Public Places Order (DPPO) covering Chesterfield town centre came into effect in 2004. The order was brought in to control the drinking of alcohol in public in the town centre.
In 2011 an additional order with the same powers came into effect covering part of the south of Chesterfield.
Changes made by the PSPO
The new town centre PSPO covers all of the 2004 DPPO area, so that order has now been discharged. The PSPO also applies to part of the area covered by the 2011 DPPO, so that order has been varied to take this into account.
Below you can find details of the 2011 order, the variation made to it, and the discharge of the 2004 Designated Public Places Order.