Our homes

We manage around 10,000 homes and garages in Chesterfield.

All properties that are available to let are advertised on Home Options


When we have houses available they are normally allocated to families with a child under 16 on our housing register who need them the most. 


Our bungalows generally have one, two and occasionally three bedrooms.  

In accordance with council policy, bungalows are normally allocated to people of pensionable age or to people with a qualifying disability. 


We have flats in most areas of Chesterfield. 

Where flats are available in high supply, they may be advertised and offered to people with less priority on our housing waiting list, such as those in a lower priority band. 


Maisonettes are two-story flats, often with two or three bedrooms and their own front door. 

When we have maisonettes available, applicants with a higher need for multiple bedrooms will be given first preference. Preference will then be given to applications with a local connection and a lower bedroom need. 

Independent living schemes 

We have 6 independent living schemes in Chesterfield: 

  • Brocklehurst Court at Brampton 
  • Catherine Court at Brampton 
  • Glebe Court at Old Whittington 
  • Markham Court at Duckmanton 
  • Mallard and Leander Court at Staveley 
  • Parkside at Newbold 

Each independent living scheme consists of self-contained flats within the same building, with access by lift or stairs to the first floor. Most flats have one bedroom, but some schemes also offer flats with two or three bedrooms. All independent living schemes have shared facilities including a communal lounge, kitchen and garden. 

When flats are empty, they are normally allocated to people on our housing list who need them most. Consideration is given only to people aged 60 and above. There is often a good supply of flats in our Independent Living schemes. This provides a good opportunity for people who do not have much priority on our housing list.  

Existing Chesterfield Borough Council tenants moving to independent living schemes may qualify for a payment under the transfer incentive scheme

All properties that are available to let are advertised on Home Options

Find out more about our independent living schemes