We listen to your feedback, and let you know when we have taken action.
You said:
‘I waited a long time between being offered a property and receiving the keys’
We did:
We now no longer advertise properties until they are ready to let, reducing the wait time for new tenants.
You said:
Some of the tenants we have spoken to told us that they found the experience from being offered a property to moving into their new home too quick and overwhelming.
We did:
We now complete personal housing plans with all tenants who apply to join the housing register. This helps us to better understand their current and possible future needs, so we can provide better support throughout the allocations process.
You said:
Some of the tenants we spoke to were really happy with the communication they received throughout the allocations process, others felt that there was not enough communication.
We did:
We have established a tenant communication and accessibility group which will look at how we communicate with tenants across the housing service and make recommendations for improvements where needed.
You said:
‘There were repair issues when I moved in’
We did:
Properties are now checked when a tenant gives notice on a property so repairs are picked up at an early stage.
You said:
As part of a recent consultation on the allocations process, tenants told us that they were in favour of simplifying the sign-up pack and increasing information for new tenants on our website
We did:
We have simplified the pack we provide for new tenants and created an online tenant handbook and ‘moving in’ section on our website.
You said:
As part of the allocations process consultation, we held focus groups at several of our independent living schemes. During the sessions, we received positive feedback from tenants about developing a tenant handbook, specifically for tenants who live in our independent living schemes. Tenants who attended helped to shape the content of the handbook.
We did:
The tenant handbook for independent living schemes is currently in development.
You said:
In a recent consultation of communal area cleaning in blocks where we provide this service, some tenants told us that they were unhappy with parts of the service.
We did:
We have already started to act on your feedback by carrying out staff training, reviewing and updating cleaning logs to make them clearer to understand and carrying out spot inspections. You can read the full report here.
You said:
In the recent consultation, tenants who attended a focus group recommended that information on tenant, leaseholder and private tenant responsibilities is developed.
We did:
We are currently working on developing information on tenant, leaseholder and private tenant responsibilities in communal areas in different formats.
You said:
‘The wording of the repairs calling cards could benefit from being updated’
We did:
Following a review of the different repairs ‘missed visit’ cards used, the communication and accessibility group created one multi-purpose card to be used by the repairs team, which meets the tenant communication standards.
You said:
(The rent arrears letter) ‘needs clearer explanation, people may not understand terms such as credit/debit’
We did:
The rent and revenues team worked with the communication and accessibility group to understand where the group felt that improvements could be made to the letter. The group developed an alternative version of the rent arrears letter which meets the six tenant communication standards.
You said:
We needed to improve how we communicate with tenants.
We did:
We created a tenant communication and accessibility group. Find out more here.
You said:
Tenants need accessible information on how the housing service is performing.
We did:
The performance group have created a new report ‘for tenants, by tenants’ sharing details of how the housing service is performing in areas identified as important to tenants.
You said:
Information needs to be available in accessible formats.
We did:
We work with tenants to create a variety of videos and visual materials which are available on the website. You can find out more here.
You said:
A water safety booklet would be beneficial.
We did:
We have worked with the communication and accessibility group to create a water safety booklet.
You said:
The information on the housing section of the website is full of text and you can’t find anything.
We did:
We worked with tenants to review the content and the layout of the website, including introducing more videos and visual reports.
You said:
We could work more closely with tenants to improve areas around our estates.
We did:
We have established a programme of tenant community surveyors who work with the housing service to identify and inspect areas of housing land.
You said:
There needs to be more information and support for people regarding anti-social behaviour.
We did:
We reviewed the current anti-social behaviour leaflet with tenants and created a video about how the housing service deals with reports of anti-social behaviour.
You said:
You wanted more information about fire safety and what you as a tenant can do.
We did:
Tenant responsibility videos have been created and all tenants living in blocks of flats have been written to with information about the new risk hub platform where you can access information about fire safety.