The housing management team support tenants to manage and maintain their tenancy.
We have dedicated teams of officers to support our tenants.
Enforcement officers
Enforcement officers are responsible for dealing with serious anti-social behaviour and taking action on breaches of tenancy. They work with council tenants to respond to anti-social behaviour where a tenant is a victim of or is responsible for the anti-social behaviour.
They try to resolve problems by working with:
- the community safety teams
- support agencies
- drug and alcohol workers
- police
- social services
They will try to resolve problems by offering support to change behaviour and using informal measures to encourage people to keep to the conditions of their tenancy agreement. They will use legal measures against people’s tenancy if tenants continue to behave anti-socially.
You can report any type of antisocial behaviour including:
- abuse, intimidation or harassment
- threat or use of violence
- drug or alcohol issues
- hate crime
- persistent noise complaints
If we open a case, we will allocate an enforcement officer to follow up on your complaint. They won’t talk about the information you give them or share your details unless they have your permission.
How to contact an enforcement officer
The team are available:
- Monday to Thursday - 8.30am to 5pm
- Friday - 8:30am to 4.30pm
Email -
Phone - 01246 345071
Housing officers
Our housing officers work with tenants to address and resolve any tenancy management issues that may arise, as well as helping with access to support from other services.
Housing officers are assigned to separate estates within the borough meaning you will have a named officer who you can talk to about any housing related matter. They make tenancy visits where they can:
- help you to understand your tenancy agreement
- talk to you about what to expect from the council
- make sure council properties are safe and well looked after
- make referrals to other services to help you get support where needed
- take enforcement action if the tenancy agreement has been breached
How to contact a housing officer
The team are available:
- Monday to Thursday - 8.30am to 5pm
- Friday - 8:30am to 4.30pm
Phone: 01246 345071