Home repair assistance can help vulnerable homeowners to repair, improve or maintain their homes.
The purpose of the home repair financial assistance we offer is to help people continue to live in their own homes in comfort and safety and to maintain their independence and quality of life. As detailed in our housing renewal policy, the maximum loan amount is £20,000 subject to equity.
Eligible repairs and improvements include:
- works to rectify damp such as roof repairs, damp-proofing rendering
- measures to prevent slips, trips and falls
- electrical installation repairs, rewires
- replacement of single glazed windows and doors
To be eligible for home repair assistance the applicant must:
- be over the age of 18 years
- hold the registered title to a property as their main residential home
- be an owner or joint owners of a freehold or minimum 99 year leasehold
(the minimum leasehold period can be varied if considered appropriate, and all joint owners must agree and accept the loan terms and conditions) - have owned and occupied the property for at least one full year prior to the application for assistance
- not be the owner of another property that could be reasonably occupied or disposed of for the purpose of raising essential funds
- be in receipt of one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income based Employment Support Allowance
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Council Tax Support (not single person discount)
- Guaranteed Pension Credit
- Working Tax Credit (Income less than £16,105)
- Disabled Persons Tax Credit (Income less than £16,105)
- Child Tax Credit (Income less than £16,105)
- War Disablement Pension
- Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
- Universal Credit
- Personal Independence Payment
- Attendance Allowance
- Disability Living Allowance
- have a medical condition or other vulnerability that may be affected by their housing conditions, or live with a household member with a diagnosed health condition which is made worse by their living conditions
The following conditions will be considered as part of the assessment - cardiovascular, respiratory, mental health, physical disability, addictions, terminal illness, suppressed immune system, life changing or life limiting conditions
Proof of qualifying eligibility criteria will be required in order to process the application.
The applicant will be required to complete an application form following an inspection from the council to ensure works meet the requirements of the assistance.
Fees and charges
The council charges an administration fee of 10% of the total cost of the loan funded work, carried out to the property.
The loan may include other fees and services properly incurred in relation to the loan funded work such as building regulation or building survey fees.
Please note: the value of all loans secured on the property, including the proposed secured loan, may not exceed 75% of the property value at the time of offering the loan. All outstanding mortgage and loans secured against the property must be taken into account and the proposed loan must also be able to withstand a 10% increase should unforeseen works occur and any associated loan fees.
Contact us
For more information, contact the private sector housing team:
- phone: 01246 345748
- email: hia@chesterfield.gov.uk
- post: Private sector housing team, Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield, S40 1LP