I want to report

Contact us to report a problem where you live. 

Some services are provided by Derbyshire County Council (DCC).


Nuisance and stray animals, pests and noise.

Pest control
Noise nuisance
Anti-social behaviour
Light nuisance

Bins and dumped rubbish

Report a problem with missed, lost or broken wheeled bins, litter and dumped rubbish.

Abandoned vehicles
Complain about something that happened when your bin was emptied
Damaged or missing bins
Fly tipping
Missed bin collections

Street matters

Problems with street furniture and our urban surroundings.

Pot holes (DCC)
Faulty street lighting (DCC)
Damaged / unsafe pavements (DCC)
Dog fouling
Street cleaning

Education and learning

Use the online services to find information on:

Arts and culture
School term dates (DCC)
Renewing library books (DCC) 

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