
Making progress on Chesterfield’s climate change targets

Chesterfield Borough Council is continuing to make progress to its target of becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 and carbon neutral borough by 2050 as its Climate Change Annual Report is published.

The annual report sets out the work the council has undertaken over 2023/24 to make progress towards its targets. In the last year the council has planted more than 5000 trees, invested almost £4 million of energy efficiency improvements in its properties, funded community projects, developed a plan to reduce emissions in operational buildings, established a new community-based Climate Forum and much more.

Councillor Martin Stone, cabinet member for climate change, planning and the environment, said: “In just the last year we have seen record breaking temperatures and severe flooding, both of which have deeply affected our communities and demonstrates why we must take action to reduce our emissions, and why we must do it now.

“Becoming carbon neutral is an ambitious task and the ongoing financial challenges the council faces make this even more difficult, but we are continuing to make the changes we need to and by setting out detailed objectives on an annual basis we are delivering real progress. In February we approved our next Climate Change Delivery Plan which is even more ambitious and will a further reduction in our emissions.

“I am proud of what we have achieved over the last year but there is still lots to do to reach our target of becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030.”

The annual delivery plans are built around the six themes set out in the council’s climate change strategy, including buildings and energy use, travel, green space and land use, communications and engagement, data and monitoring, and council influence.

Within each theme there are specific actions, in 2024/25 these include, strengthening measures which require contractors and suppliers to demonstrate their green credentials when being considered for work, starting work on the major decarbonisation of our operational buildings, continuing to provide support to the Chesterfield Climate Forum and taking steps to move to a low carbon vehicle fleet.

The council has just taken delivery of new electric cars that will be used to deliver the Chesterfield Careline service.

Councillor Martin Stone said: “Decarbonising our fleet is a difficult task, but it is important because transport is one of the largest sources of emissions. I’m looking forward to seeing how these new vehicles perform in our fleet, expanding the number of electric vehicles and looking at alternative fuels for some of our maintenance equipment.”

The council will be introducing more electric vehicles into the fleet over the summer and these will be used to deliver building cleaning, environmental protection, and housing services.

In the autumn the council will be trialling the use of hydrotreated vegetable oil to power vehicles like a road sweeper where electric alternatives are currently unavailable.

To read the full annual report and find out more about what the council is doing to meet its commitment, visit our climate change page.

First published on 18/07/2024 Last updated on 18/07/2024