Residents will no longer have to separate their glass recycling in Chesterfield from Monday 7 April – in an improvement which is designed to make recycling at home easier than ever before.
People living in the borough will be used to putting their glass recycling in a separate black caddy and placing this in the top of their bin to be collected.
However, Chesterfield Borough Council will be using a new recycling facility to sort and process recyclables – which means from Monday 7 April, all recycling can go in the blue bin.
The move is designed to make it easier for people to recycle at home and the blue bin will continue to be emptied every two weeks.
Councillor Martin Stone, councillor for climate change, planning and environment, said: “This is a great change for residents and will simplify the recycling process. Anything that makes it easier to sort waste at home will help us to recycle more in Chesterfield. By reducing, reusing and recycling we are all making a positive difference to the environment.”
Residents can either keep the black caddy for their own use or leave it out for the waste and recycling team next time the blue bin is collected.
Here is a list of what can go into your blue bin:
Yes please:
• all glass bottles and jars with lids taken off (rinsed out, please)
• all plastic bottles (drinks, toiletries, cleaning products) remove lids and put in loose
• food / drink cartons and Tetra Pak® for example, fruit juice cartons
• plastic pots and tubs (yoghurt, margarine, ice cream etc)
• plastic food trays and punnets for example, meat trays, fruit punnets
• chocolate and biscuit tins (plastic and metal)
• drinks cans and food tins
• empty aerosols
• clean aluminium food trays and foil (scrunched)
• card and corrugated cardboard (flattened)
• newspapers, magazines and brochures
• shredded paper
• catalogues and directories (including yellow pages, direct mail)
• envelopes (no need to tear out the window)
• greetings cards and wrapping paper (please remove all tape, ribbons, glitter and plastic)