
Working towards a carbon neutral Chesterfield

Updated plans which set out how Chesterfield Borough Council will continue to tackle the climate crisis locally were approved at last night’s Full Council meeting (22 February 2023).

This builds on work which has lowered our carbon emissions by about a third since the authority declared a climate emergency in 2019.

The council has adopted a new Climate Change Strategy (2023 to 2030) which sets out themes and a programme of activities to continue our journey towards becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 and lay the groundwork for the borough to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

The new strategy is based around six central themes that describe the areas where the council can have the biggest impact and influence in reducing our own emissions and supporting others to do the same.

Deputy Leader Councillor Amanda Serjeant proposed the new strategy at the Full Council meeting on Wednesday 22 February.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Climate change is the biggest and most important challenge humanity faces globally, as well as in the local area. Carbon reduction is vitally important, and the new Climate Change Strategy we have introduced will help towards making significant changes in our progress towards becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030.

“We’re continuing to work hard to do all we can to ensure we meet our climate targets for Chesterfield and have been concentrating our efforts where we know it will have the biggest impact – like reducing energy use in our buildings and homes.

“This strategy represents the next phase of these plans and will underpin our ongoing efforts to achieve our targets – ensuring we continue to act now, to safeguard our future.

“All of our survey data shows that most local people are concerned about climate change. We are therefore looking to find ways that we can work together to make a difference.”

The new strategy comes after the council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 - and with support from members of the local community created the first Climate Change Action Plan. This plan concludes in March 2023 and has led to a reduction of council emissions by around a third (32%) from when the emergency was declared, to the end of March 2022.

In the last four years there has been significant work across all council services to reduce emissions, making sustainability and climate change a central theme of the latest Local Plan, ensuring all of our energy comes from renewable sources and planting almost 6000 trees.

You can read the full strategy along with our first delivery plan, find out more about our progress to tackle climate change, and sign up to the Climate Action Now newsletter, by visiting our climate change page.

First published on 23/02/2023 Last updated on 23/11/2023