Litter picks

Help keep the borough tidy by joining in with our community litter picks, or organising a tidy up in your local area.

Our tenant engagement team organises events across the borough, and is always on the lookout for willing volunteers to get involved and lend a helping hand too.

All litter picks will take place between 10am and 12 noon.

Litter pickers, high visibility jackets and gloves will be provided for everyone taking part. Please wear sensible shoes and clothing, and don't forget a sun hat, or waterproofs depending on the weather!

If there are no dates showing below, please come back again later to find out about future events.

Litter pick dates Expand all

For more details please contact the tenant engagement team on or 01246 345147.

Organising your own litter pick

If you love where you live we can help you organise your own litter pick at any time of year. You can borrow litter-picking equipment and we can arrange for the bags of litter to be collected after your event.

We will need to know:

  • your name and contact details
  • the name of school, voluntary group, charity, or business you are applying on behalf of (if applicable)
  • the date you would like to litter pick (so we can check if the equipment is available)
  • the location of where the litter picking will take place

We will ask you to complete a risk assessment as part of your application, to make sure everyone stays safe, and will provide you with guidance on how to make sure your event goes smoothly.

Call us on 01246 345345 to find out more.

Find out more about how you can be a litter hero on the Keep Britain Tidy website