Equality Impact Assessments

An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) looks at current and new policies, projects, services, functions and strategies in depth to see what impact they may have on different equality groups.

It also allows us to plan to mitigate against any potentially negative impact. We use the information collected through equality monitoring and a variety of consultations throughout the year with our employees and customers as evidence within the Equality Impact Assessment process. This helps to ensure that Chesterfield Borough Council takes due regard to the need to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act
  • advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it

EIA and Decision Making Process

When should an EIA be completed?

  • an EIA is required whenever a policy, project, service, function or strategy is reviewed, created or changed
  • it should be completed before the policy, project, service function or strategy has been set up, if changes are needed, it's easier to make these sooner rather than later

Why do we need to complete them?

  • stop direct and indirect discrimination from happening now and in the future
  • highlight diversity as a strength and an integral part of our work, not just as an add on that we feel we must do
  • recognise the fact that we don’t all have an equal chance in life, and find ways to address this through our work
  • make sure our services are accessible to everyone in the community
  • change the way we think about our work and the decisions taken

Where can you see Equality Impact Assessments?

Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) are routinely published alongside the accompanying report when it is presented at the relevant committee meeting.

Reports from all our committee meetings are available here.