Find car parking in Chesterfield

Please note: charges in our car parks will be changing from 1 April 2025, we will update this page with the new fees soon.

Use our car park map to find parking where you need it.

Choose a car park from the list, or click on a pin to see details, including prices and directions. 

You can filter results by clicking on one of the categories below:

  • Pay on arrival - buy your ticket when parking and display it in your vehicle, you'll need change handy when you arrive, all our pay and display car parks are surface car parks, so are out in the open, you can also pay using the RingGo app at most of our car parks (Station Approach is a cash-free car park)
  • Pay on return - ideal if you don't know how long you need to park for, or if you don't have cash on you when parking. Includes our multi-storey car parks
  • On-street pay and display - marked bays in many handy locations, managed by Derbyshire County Council
Our pay machines only take cash and you are unable to pay for parking by card at these machine. However, in some car parks you can pay via your mobile phone using the RingGo app.


We have found some false QR codes which have been placed on payment machines and parking boards in the town centre. 

We are working to remove these as quickly as possible – in the meantime please do not scan these QR codes.

If you need to pay for parking, you can do this with cash or by using the RingGo app.


We've listed some of the larger paid-for car parks that are not managed by the council. 

Retail parks
We haven't included car parking facilities at local retail and leisure parks (such as Ravenside, Wheatbridge, Alma Leisure Park etc) as they are owned and managed by private companies. The council is not responsible for parking notices issued at private car parks.

  • Derbyshire Times car park is closed to the public due to the refurbishment of Stephenson Memorial Hall

    Alternative parking is available nearby at St Mary's Gate, Station Road and Spa Lane

Click on the Map filter icon icon at the top left of the map to filter on car park types or look up a car park by name.  

You can move the map around and zoom in to see more detail and street names. Click on a parking icon to see information about that car park.


Image for Pay and display car parks Pay and display car parks

Image for Blue badge only parking Blue badge only parking

Image for Pay on return car parks Pay on return car parks

Image for On-street pay and display parking On-street pay and display parking

Image for privately owned car parks Privately owned car parks, open to the public

Don't want to use the map?

You can find a list of all our car parks here.