Major development proposals can have a significant impact upon the borough's environment and economy and the community's quality of life.
Properly managed, they can offer major opportunities for regeneration and the potential to promote economic and industrial growth, manage traffic congestion and improve environmental quality.
By their very nature, major development proposals often involve complex and wide ranging planning issues, covering areas such as flood risk, transport, impact on the environment and landscape and economic development.
Where appropriate, the council encourages the preparation of masterplans or planning briefs to guide the redevelopment of sites. These allow the wider community to comment on the key issues affecting a site and possible solutions before detailed development proposals are prepared. Anyone hoping to develop a major scheme is also advised to contact the council as early as possible for pre-application discussions.
The links to the left will take you to information and documents about some of the major developments currently being prepared or underway in the borough. For more information about any of these sites, or if you wish to discuss a development proposal, you can contact:
Alan Morey
Major Sites Officer
Chesterfield Borough Council
Phone: 01246 345371