Markham Vale Development

The Markham Vale Development is a major business development centred on the former Markham Colliery.

This major regeneration and development project, involving Derbyshire County Council and developers Henry Boot, will address problems of industrial dereliction and contamination while bringing much needed new employment development to this area of North East Derbyshire.

Outline planning permission for the scheme was issued by Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Bolsover District Councils in April 2005. The project will deliver over 127 ha of new employment development (85 ha of which will be in Chesterfield Borough, the rest in Bolsover and North East Derbyshire Districts);

More information can be found on the Markham Vale website.

A new motorway junction, Junction 29a, and connecting roads to Hall Lane at Staveley and the A632 at Duckmanton have already been built to improve access to the site. A design framework is in place to ensure that development is sensitive to the nearby Bolsover Castle.

Markham Vale also forms part of the Sheffield City Region Enterprise Zone, and benefits from tax allowances to encourage businesses to locate on the site.