The documents below are available on request.
Please email with details of the documents you require.
Hard copies are not available.
EX.INS.001 Inspectors' initial letter to the council
EX.INS.002 Inspectors' additional note to the council
EX.INS.003 Guidance notes for participants
EX.INS.004 The Inspectors' Matters Issues and Questions (MIQs)
EX.INS.005 Draft programme for hearings
EX.PO.002a draft Hearings Programme V2
EX.INS.006 Matter 1 agenda, Tuesday 15 October AM
EX.INS.007 Matter 2 agenda, Tuesday 15 October PM
EX.INS.008 Matter 3 agenda, Wednesday 16 October AM
EX.INS.009 Matter 3 agenda, Wednesday 16 October PM
EX.INS.010 Matter 4 agenda (Economic Development), Thursday 17 October AM
EX.INS.011 Matter 5 agenda, Tuesday 22 October AM
EX.INS.012 Matter 5 agenda, Tuesday 22 October PM
EX.INS.013 Matter 5 agenda, Wednesday 23 October AM
EX.INS.014 Matter 5 agenda, Wednesday 23 October PM
EX.INS.015 Maps and Documents submitted by Mrs Webley at the Hearings
EX.PO.002b draft Hearings Programme V3 week 3
EX.INS.016 Matter 6 agenda, Tuesday 5 November PM
EX.INS.017 Matter 7 agenda, Tuesday 5 November AM
EX.INS.018 Matter 8 agenda, Wednesday 6 November
EX.INS.019 Inspectors’ Post Hearings Advice Note November 2019
EX.CBC.001 CIL Regulation 123 List
EX.CBC.002 Five Year Supply Position April 2019
EX.CBC.003 Map showing 800m buffers around Local Centre
EX.CBC.004 Key Diagram
EX.CBC.005 Duty to Cooperate Letter regarding HRA Monitoring
EX.CBC.006 Email from Natural England regarding HRA Monitoring
EX.CBC.007 Environment Agency Chesterfield Flood Risk Investigation - Scope of Works
EX.CBC.008 Housing and Accommodation for an Ageing Population - A Strategic Vision for Derbyshire to 2035 (DCC 2019)
EX.CBC.009 Additional Note to Inspectors regarding Heritage Impact Assessments
EX.CBC.010 NEDDC Local Plan Inspectors letter to Council 21.3.19 regarding Traveller Provision
EX.CBC.011 Further Work on Heritage Impact Assessments September 2019
EX.CBC.012 Chesterfield Borough Council response to EX.INS.001
EX.CBC.013 Chesterfield Borough Council Gypsy and Traveller Sites Initial Site Assessment Methodology January 2016
EX.CBC.014 Chesterfield Borough Council Gypsy and Traveller Sites Detailed Site Assessment Methodology February 2018
EX.CBC.015 LHN Housing Requirement Draft Report (05.09.19)
EX.CBC.016 SS2 Chatsworth Road Corridor Allocation Boundary Map
EX.CBC.017 Landscape Comments on Strategic Gap SG1
EX.CBC.018 H27 - 500m Heritage Buffer
EX.CBC.019 H32 - 500m Heritage Buffer
EX.CBC.020 H36 - 500m Heritage Buffer
EX.CBC.021 Table 4 Draft Mod V1
EX.CBC.022a H1 - Edale Road, Mastin Moor
EX.CBC.022b H5 - Pondhouse Farm
EX.CBC.022c H6 - Miller Avenue, Mastin Moor
EX.CBC.022d H8 - Land North of Chesterfield Road, Staveley
EX.CBC.022e H10 - Derwent House HOP
EX.CBC.022f H12 - Ashbrook Centre
EX.CBC.022g H16 - Red House HOP
EX.CBC.022h H17 - Poppleton - Croft, Manor Road
EX.CBC.22i H18 - Commerce Centre, Wharf Lane
EX.CBC.022j H20 - Duewell Court
EX.CBC.022k H21 - Staveley Town Basin
EX.CBC.022l H35 - Mastin Moor
EX.CBC.022m H36 - Land at Inkersall Road
EX.CBC.022n SS3 - Chesterfield Waterside
EX.CBC.022o SS5 - Staveley Works
EX.CBC.023 Decision notice relating to policy RP1 and site H36
EX.CBC.024 Housing Standards Background Paper December 2016
EX.CBC.025 Housing Trajectory for Matter 5 V2
EX.CBC.026 Email from DCC regarding update of Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (including caravans and house boats)
EX.CBC.027 Derbyshire Strategic Planning Framework DCC Cabinet Report
EX.CBC.028 Housing Delivery Action Plan
EX.CBC.029 SG1 Viewpoints
EX.CBC.030a EqIA Background Note v4
EX.CBC.030b EqIA Core Strategy - 2012 preliminary assessment
EX.CBC.030c EqIA Draft Core Strategy Policy CS11 2012 preliminary assessment
EX.CBC.030d EqIA Draft Local Plan - 2016 preliminary assessment
EX.CBC.030e EqIA Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation 2017 preliminary assessment
EX.CBC.030f EqIA Pre-submission Local Plan -2018 preliminary assessment
EX.CBC.030g Cabinet Report Gypsy and Traveller Sites May 2018
EX.CBC.031a Humber FRMP, Summary Document
EX.CBC.031b Humber FRMP, PART A - Background and River Basin District Wide Information
EX.CBC.031c Humber FRMP, PART B - Sub Areas in the Humber River Basin District
EX.CBC.031d Humber FRMP, PART C - Appendices
EX.CBC.031e Humber FRMP, Strategic Environmental Assessment
EX.CBC.031f Humber FRMP, Habitats Regulation Assessment
EX.CBC.032 Open Space Standards Paper
EX.CBC.033 Open Space Assessment Report
EX.CBC.034 Green Infrastructure - a prospectus for Lowland Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire
EX.CBC.035 Justification - Thresholds for provision of new open space
EX.CBC.036 SS6 - Further Evidence on Heritage Assets
EX.CBC.037 Small Housing Sites Requirement
EX.CBC.038 Main Modifications Section 20.7 Request Letter
EX.CBC.039 Matter 5 SS3 Waterside Planning History
SD7 Copy of representations made in accordance with Regulation 20:
- A and D Architecture (31) 1 SLP Supporting Document 1
- A and D Architecture (31) 1 SLP Supporting Document 2
- A and D Architecture (31) 1 SLP
- A and D Architecture (31) 2 SLP
- Alteris Capital Partners LLP (835) 1 to 4 SLP
- Barratt David Wilson Homes (855) 1 SLP
- Barratt David Wilson Homes (855) 2 SLP
- Barron, Joan (177) 1 SLP
- Barron, Paul (176) 1 to 2 SLP
- Bateman, Gary (831) 1 SLP
- Beasley, Tony (861) 1 to 6 SLP
- Bevilacqua, David (51) 1 to 12 SLP
- Bolsover District Council (87) 1 SLP
- Bolsover District Council (87) 2 SLP
- Brampton Manor (839) 1 SLP Supporting Document
- Brampton Manor (839) 1 SLP
- Caravan Club Limited (850) 1 to 2 SLP Supporting Document
- Caravan Club Limited (850) 1 to 2 SLP
- Cathmal Ltd (852) 1 to 13 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 1 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 2 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 3 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 4 to 5 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 6 to 10 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 11 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 12 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 13 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 14 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 15 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 16 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 17 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 18 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 19 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 20 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 21 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 22 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 23 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 24 SLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) SLP Supporting Document 1
- Chatsworth ST (68) SLP Supporting Document 2
- Chatsworth ST (68) SLP Supporting Document 3
- Chatsworth ST (68) SLP Supporting Document 4
- Chatsworth ST (68) SLP Supporting Document 5
- Chatsworth ST (68) SLP Supporting Document 6
- Chesterfield Canal Trust (829) 1 SLP
- Chesterfield Cranes Co (834) 1 SLP Supporting Document
- Chesterfield Cranes Co (834) 1 SLP
- Chesterfield Waterside (63) 1 to 5 SLP Supporting Document
- Chesterfield Waterside (63) 1 to 5 SLP
- Coupland, Mr and Mrs (838) 1 to 3 SLP Supporting Document
- Coupland, Mr and Mrs (838) 1 to 3 SLP
- Dawson, John (830) 1 SLP
- Derbyshire County Council (32) 1 to 7 SLP
- Elliot, Frank and Carol (836) 1 to 8 SLP
- Environment Agency (40) 1 to 8 SLP
- Environment Agency (40) 9 to 20 SLP
- Fisher German and Norah Simon (859) 1 to 2 SLP Supporting Document
- Fisher German and Norah Simon (859) 1 to 2 SLP
- Gladman Developments (851) 1 to 14 SLP Supporting Document
- Gladman Developments (851) 1 to 14 SLP
- Goodlad, Charlotte (832) 1 SLP
- Goodlad, Chris (833) 1 SLP
- Hall Construction Services (842) 1 to 5 SLP Supporting Document
- Hall Construction Services (842) 1 to 5 SLP
- HBF (90) 1 to 9 SLP
- HBF (90) SLP Supporting Document
- Heath Family Properties (67) 1 to 2 SLP Supporting Document
- Heath Family Properties (67) 1 to 2 SLP
- Heath Family Properties (67) 3 to 4 SLP Supporting Document
- Heath Family Properties (67) 3 to 4 SLP
- Heath Hardy Trust (867) 1 to 2 SLP Supporting Document
- Heath Hardy Trust (867) 1 to 2 SLP
- Henry Boot Developments (846) 1 to 3 SLP
- Henry Boot Developments (846) SLP Supporting Document 1
- Henry Boot Developments (846) SLP Supporting Document 2
- High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd (849) 1 to 3 SLP
- Highways England (54) 1 to 6 SLP
- Historic England (89) 1 to 11 SLP
- Hollins Strategic Land (847) 1 SLP
- Hollins Strategic Land (847) 2 SLP
- Hollins Strategic Land (847) 3 to 10 SLP
- Hollins Strategic Land (847) SLP Supporting Document 2
- Hollins Strategic Land (847) SLP Supporting Document
- Kerley, Maxwell (864) 1 SLP
- Lidl UK (61) 1 SLP Supporting Document
- Lidl UK (61) 1 SLP
- Mather, Robert (845) 1 SLP Supporting Document
- Mather, Robert (845) 1 SLP
- Midlands Land Portfolio (854) 1 to 8 SLP Supporting Document
- Midlands Land Portfolio (854) 1 to 8 SLP
- National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups (42) 1 SLP
- National Grid (53) 1 to 3 SLP
- Natural England (30) 1 to 4 SLP
- North East Derbyshire District Council (88) 1 to 6 SLP
- Peel House and Sixth Car Parking (848) 1 SLP
- Persimmon Homes Nottingham (863) 1 to 10 SLP
- Rice, Jeremy (837) 1 SLP Supporting Document
- Rice, Jeremy (837) 1 SLP
- Sellers, Dan (9) 1 to 34 SLP
- Sellers, Dan (9) 35 to 73 SLP
- Sellers Dan 9 74 To 77 SLP
- Severn Trent (8) 1 SLP Supporting Document
- Severn Trent (8) 1 SLP
- Sheffield City Council (85) 1 to 2 SLP
- Sheffield City Council (85) 3 SLP
- Sheffield City Council (85) 4 SLP
- Sheffield City Council (85) 5 SLP
- Sheffield City Council (85) 6 SLP
- Sheffield City Region (844) 1 to 4 SLP
- Sissons, Frank (856) 1 to 5 SLP
- Sissons, Frank (856) SLP Supporting Document
- Smith K 858 1 SLP
- Smith, Michael (853) 1 to 5 SLP Supporting Document
- Smith, Michael (853) 1 to 5 SLP
- Sport England (56) 1 to 3 SLP
- Strata Homes Limited (93) 1 to 2 SLP Supporting Document
- Strata Homes Limited (93) 1 to 2 SLP
- Strategic Development Land (843) 1 to 4 SLP Supporting Document
- Strategic Development Land (843) 1 to 4 SLP
- The Coal Authority (75) 1 SLP
- The Guinness Partnership (857) 1 to 2 SLP
- Theatres Trust (13) 1 to 3 SLP
- Tofield, John and Wagstaff, Catherine (860) 1 to 3 SLP
- Trans Pennine Trail (841) 1 to 33 SLP
- UKIP Chesterfield (862) 1 to 3 SLP
- Webley, June (840) 1 SLP b
- Webley, June (840) 1 SLP c
- Webley, June (840) 1 SLP
- Wildgoose Homes Ltd (645) 1 to 2 SLP Supporting Document
- Wildgoose Homes Ltd (645) 1 to 2 SLP
- William Davis Ltd (91) 1 to 5 SLP Supporting Document
- William Davis Ltd (91) 1 to 5 SLP
Late representations:
- Wilson Pauline (865) 1 SLP
- Derbyshire County Council (80) 1 to 38 SLP
- Derbyshire Wildlife Trust (45) 1 to 7 SLP
- Barlborough Parish Council (866) 1 SLP
Statement of Community Involvement 2014
LDS 10 June 2019
Monitoring and Review Framework
AMR 2017-2018
Legal Compliance Checklist
Soundness Checklist June 2019
North Derbyshire and Bassetlaw LAA 2015 Methodology
LAA Stages 1 and 2A Site Assessment Methodology 2018
LAA Stage 2B Site Assessment Methodology 2018
LAA Map showing results for all sites 2018
LAA Results Stages 1 and 2A 2018
LAA Results Stage 2B overview sheets for all sites 2018
Heritage Impact Assessment Methodology 2018
Heritage Impact Assessment Pro-forma 2018
Heritage Impact Assessments 2019
Chesterfield BC Site Allocation Conclusion Summaries
SCG1 Housing Market Area Statement of Common Ground
SCG2 Strategic Highways Infrastructure and Transport Evidence Statement of Common Ground
SCG3 Flood Risk Statement of Common Ground
SCG4 Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group Statement of Common Ground
SCG5 Clinical Commissioning Group Statement of Common Ground
SCG6 Education Statement of Common Ground
SCG7 Draft Sheffield City Region Statement of Common Ground
SCG8 Highways Agency M1 Junction 30 Statement of Common Ground
SCG9 Statement of Common Ground Chesterfield Borough Council and Bolsover District Council September 2019 Signed
SCG10 William Davis Dunston Statement of Common Ground
PS1 Local Plan Consultation Draft January 2017 PS2 Consultation Policies Map 2017
PS3 Consultation Constraints Map 2017
PS4 Sustainability Appraisal Regulation 18 2017
PS5 Habitats Regulation Assessment Technical Note 2017
PS6 Representations on Consultation Draft Local Plan 2017:
- A and D Architecture Limited (31) 1 to 30 DLP
- A and D Architecture Limited (31) 15 DLP
- Ackroyd and Abbott Ltd (38) 1 to 3 DLP
- Allen, Brian and Barbara (12) 1 DLP
- Allen, Dave (37) 1 DLP
- Allen, Patrick (2) 1 DLP
- Atherton, Glyn (69) 1 DLP
- Bailey, Brian (23) Representation 1 DLP
- Bailey, Kevin and Katrina (59) 1 DLP Supporting Document
- Bailey, Kevin and Katrina (59) 1 DLP
- Baker, M, J (41) 1 to 2 DLP
- Bevilacqua, D (51) 1 to 6 DLP
- Bolsover District Council (87) 1 to 7 DLP
- Booker, Gail (5) 1 DLP
- Brady, Mick (35) 1 DLP
- Brown, Laura (47) 1 DLP
- Butterfly Conservation (66) 1 to 3 DLP
- Catt, Ray (81)1 DLP
- Challands, Graeme (7) 1 to 28 DLP
- Chapell, Adele (57) 1 DLP
- Chatsworth ST (68) 1 to 22 DLP Plan 2
- Chatsworth ST (68) 1 to 22 DLP Plan
- Chatsworth ST (68) 1 to 22 DLP Supporting Document
- Chatsworth ST (68) 1 to 22 DLP
- Chesterfield and District Civic Society (73) 1 to19 DLP
- Chesterfield Cycle Campaign (48) 1 to 17 DLP
- Chesterfield Gospel Hall Trust (24) 1 to 2 DLP
- Chesterfield Waterside Limited (63) 1 to 3 DLP
- Cornwall, Judith (50) 1 DLP
- Coverland UK Limited (28) 1 to 4 DLP
- Cutthorpe Cricket Club (86) 1 to 2 DLP Supporting Document 2
- Cutthorpe Cricket Club (86) 1 to 2 DLP Supporting Document
- Cutthorpe Cricket Club (86) 1 to 2 DLP
- Derbyshire County Council (32) 1 to 6 DLP
- Derbyshire County Council (80) 1 to 83 DLP Supporting Document 2
- Derbyshire County Council (80) 1 to 83 DLP Supporting Document
- Derbyshire County Council (80) 1 to 83 DLP
- Derbyshire Wildlife Trust (45) 1 to 12 DLP
- Environment Agency (40) 1 to 15 DLP Supporting Document
- Environment Agency (40) 1 to 15 DLP
- Eventide Group (49) 1 DLP
- Fletcher, Robert and Bernie (74) 1 to 2 DLP
- Ford, Steven (77) 1 to 2 DLP
- Friends of Whitecotes Playing Field (83) 1 DLP
- Fronia, Antony (17) 1 DLP
- Godfrey, Mr and Mrs (1) 1 DLP
- Greater Manchester Pension Fund co LaSalle Investment Management (18) 1 DLP
- Hallam Land Management Limited (44) 1 to 5 DLP Plan 2
- Hallam Land Management Limited (44) 1 to 5 DLP Plan
- Hallam Land Management Limited (44) 1 to 5 DLP
- Hasland Liberal Democrats (52) 1 DLP
- Haworth Group (94) 1 to 18 DLP Supporting Document
- Haworth Group (94) 1 to 18 DLP
- HBF (90) 1 to 7 DLP
- Heath Family Properties (67) 1 DLP
- Heath Family Properties (67) 2 to 4 DLP
- Heath Hardy Trust (70) 1 to 5 DLP
- Hessey, Alan (25) 1 DLP
- Hibbert, G (16) 1 DLP
- Hicklin, Mr and Mrs (78) 1 DLP
- Highways England (54) 1 to 5 DLP
- Historic England (89) Representations 1 to 19 DLP
- Hodson, Janet (65) 1 to 3 DLP
- Impala Estates Limited (15) 1 DLP
- iPlan Solutions Ltd (84) 1 DLP
- Jakes, J (21) 1 DLP
- Johnson, Vicky (76) 1 to 4 DLP
- Jones, Ian (20) 1 DLP
- Jones, Ian (20) 2 DLP
- Knock, Barry (27) 1 DLP
- Lawson, Keith (26) 1 to 2 DLP
- Lidl GMBH UK (61) 1 DLP Supporting Document
- Lidl GMBH UK (61) 1 DLP
- Metacre Ltd (92) 1 to 2 DLP Plan
- Metacre Ltd (92) 1 to 2 DLP Supporting Document
- Metacre Ltd (92) 1 to 2 DLP
- Millward, Gary (11) 1 DLP
- National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups (42) 1 to 2 DLP
- National Grid (53) 1 to 3 DLP
- Natural England (30) 1 to 8 DLP
- North East Derbyshire CCG and NHS Hardwick CCG (60) 1 to 2 DLP
- North East Derbyshire District Council (88) 1 to 7 DLP
- Planning Potential (82) 1 to 4 DLP
- Planning Potential (82) 5 DLP
- Rhodia Limited (79) 1 to 6 DLP Supporting Document
- Rhodia Limited (79) 1 to 6 DLP
- Ross, Derek (71) 1 to 2 DLP
- Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (46) 1 to 2 DLP
- Royal Mail Group Ltd 55 1 To 3 DLP Supporting Document
- Royal Mail Group Ltd (55) 1 to 3 DLP
- Saint Gobain and Strawsons (Omnivale) (29) 1 to 17 DLP Plan
- Saint Gobain and Strawsons (Omnivale) 29 1 to 17 DLP
- Serjeant, Amanda (34) 1 DLP
- Sellers Daniel 9 1 To 12 DLP
- Sellers, Daniel (9) 13 to 77 DLP
- Severn Trent Water (8) 1 DLP
- Sheffield City Council (85) 2 to 4 DLP
- Sheffield City Council (85)1 DLP
- Sims, Cathy (6) 1 DLP
- Smiley, P (36) 1 to 3 DLP
- Smith, Mr and Mrs (22) 1 DLP
- Sport England (56) 1 to 5 DLP
- Stevenson, Barrie (3) 1 DLP
- Strata Homes Limited (93) 1 to 18 DLP Supporting Document
- Strata Homes Ltd (93) 1 to 18 DLP
- Suon Ltd (62) 1 to 4 DLP
- Sutton cum Duckmanton Educational Foundation Charity and Mr A Crooks (43) 1 to 2 DLP Plan
- Sutton cum Duckmanton Educational Foundation Charity and Mr A Crooks (43) 1 to 2 DLP
- Tattersall, Richard (14) 1 DLP The Coal Authority (75)1 to 6 DLP
- The Woodland Trust (58) 1 to 5 DLP
- Theatres Trust (13) 1 to 3 DLP
- Twelvetree, Tania (39) 1 to 2 DLP
- Whalley, Brian (4) 1 DLP Wilkins, Mr and Mrs (33) 1 DLP
- William Davis Ltd (91) 1 to 6 DLP Wood, Jeffrey and Joan (10) 1 DLP
- Woodall Homes Ltd (64) 1 to 4 DLP Supporting Document
- Woodall Homes Ltd (64) 1 to 4 DLP
- Woodthorpe Village Community Group (72) 1 to 6 DLP
PS7 Cabinet Report December 2018
Matter 1
- M1.02 ID 852 Cathmal Ltd M1.03 ID 90 HBF
- M1.04 ID 851 Gladman
- M1.01 Chesterfield Borough Council
Matter 2
- M2.02 ID 31 A and D Architecture Ltd
- M2.03 ID 852 Cathmal Ltd
- M2.04 ID 645 Wildgoose Homes
- M2.04a ID 645 Wildgoose Homes
- M2.04b Id 645 Wildgoose Homes
- M2.05 ID 843 Strategic Development Land Ltd
- M2.06 ID 851 Gladman
- M2.07 ID 68 Chatsworth Settlement Trustees
- M2.08 ID 854 Midlands Land Portfolio Ltd
- M2.09 ID 90 HBF
- M2.01 Chesterfield Borough Council
Matter 3
- M3.02 ID 852 Cathmal Ltd
- M3.03 ID 843 Strategic Development Land Ltd
- M3.04 ID 851 Gladman
- M3.05 ID 68 Chatsworth Settlement Trustees
- M3.06 ID 91 William Davies Ltd
- M3.07 ID 90 HBF
- M3.01 Chesterfield Borough Council
Matter 4
- M4.02 ID 68 Chatsworth Settlement Trustees
- M4.01 Chesterfield Borough Council
Matter 5
- M5.02 ID 63 Chesterfield Waterside Limited
- M5.03 ID 851 Gladman
- M5.04 ID 68 Chatsworth Settlement Trustees
- M5.05 ID 91 William Davies Ltd
- M5.06 ID 854 Midlands Land Portfolio Ltd
- M5.01 Chesterfield Borough Council
Matter 6
- M6.02 ID 90 HBF
- M6.03 ID 851 Gladman
- M6.04 ID 91 William Davies Ltd
- M6.05 ID 854 Midlands Land Portfolio Ltd
- M6.01 Chesterfield Borough Council
Matter 7
- M7.02 ID 31 A and D Architecture Ltd
- M7.03 ID 90 HBF
- M7.04 ID 851 Gladman
- M7.05 ID 91 William Davies Ltd
- M7.01 Chesterfield Borough Council
Matter 8
- M8.01 Chesterfield Borough Council
All the evidence base documents listed below are available in the evidence base library.
EV1 Community Infrastructure Study
EV2 Indices of Deprivation 2015 Report
EV3 Indices of Deprivation 2015 Matrix
EV4 DRAFT Open Space Standards Paper
EV5 DRAFT Open Space Assessment Report
EV6 Parks and Open Space Strategy 2015
EV7 Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy 2014
EV8 State of the Borough Report Employment and economy
EV9 Chesterfield Growth Strategy 2019-2023
EV10 Derbyshire Nottinghamshire (D2N2) Strategic Economic Plan
EV11 Sheffield City Region Strategic Economic Plan
EV12 Northern Sub-Region Employment Land Review Environment
EV13 Derbyshire County Council - Areas of Multiple Environmental Sensitivity
EV14 Derbyshire Landscape Character Assessment
EV15 Derbyshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2015
EV16 Green Infrastructure Study
EV17 Review of Green Wedges and Strategic Gaps
EV18 Greenprint for Chesterfield
EV19 Greenprint 2019 Draft
EV20 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Study
EV21 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
EV22 Chesterfield Local Plan SFRA SITES ASSESSMENT November 18 Housing
EV23 Chesterfield Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2014
EV24 North Derbyshire and Bassetlaw Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2014
EV25 Strategic Housing Market Assessment Sensitivity Testing Report 2014
EV26 North Derbyshire and Bassetlaw OAN Update
EV27 Disabled Persons Housing Needs Study
EV28 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment Infrastructure
EV29 Community Infrastructure Levy
EV30 CIL Charging Schedule 2016 Masterplans and planning briefs
EV31 Land South of Chatsworth Road Masterplan
EV32 Chesterfield Town Centre Masterplan
EV33 Staveley and Rother Valley Corridor Evidence Retail
EV35 Retail and Centres Study 2018
EV36 CACI 2010 Report - Chesterfield's Retail Offer
EV37 Chesterfield Town Centre Healthcheck - February 2012
EV38 Local Centres Survey Transport
EV39 North Derbyshire Joint Transport Study 2012
EV40 Derbyshire Local Transport Plan 2011-26
EV41 J29A M1 J29a Operational Capacity Assessment 2012