Whenever we consider a planning application, or produce plans and policies for our area, we are required to consult and engage with people and organisations to gain their views.
Our statement of community involvement (SCI) sets out how we will do that and helps ensure that there is active, meaningful and continued involvement of local communities and stakeholders throughout these processes.
Our previous SCI was adopted in 2007. This updated version was adopted in November 2014 and reflects changes to the planning system, including the Localism Act and the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
The SCI should be read in conjunction with the council’s Community Engagement Strategy 2014–17, which sets out standards for community engagement that have been reflected in the SCI.
Chesterfield Borough Council Community Engagement Strategy 2014–2017 | (PDF 366 KB) |
Statement of Community Involvement Revised November 2014 | (PDF 365 KB) |
Contact the forward planning team
Email: forward.planning@chesterfield.gov.uk
Phone: 01246 345002