External auditors

The council's external auditor is Mazars.

The auditor reviews and comments on the council's financial statement of accounts, providing an opinion on whether it presents a fair view of our financial position. They also checks to make sure that our accounts have been prepared in accordance with the appropriately, professionally and in accordance with regulations.

The auditor also reports on whether the council is using its resources economically, effectively, and efficiently. 

Mazars were appointed on 1 October 2018 as the council's external auditor

Annual audit letter

The annual audit letter summarises the outcome of the auditor's work at Chesterfield Borough Council during the financial year.

Although it is addressed to the council, it also communicates key issues to stakeholders including local people.

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.

Annual audit letters can be found alongside our financial statements of accounts.

Contacting our external auditors

You can find out about Mazars and the work they do for UK local authorities on the Mazars website.

Alternatively, to contact our auditors direct please email nottingham.contact@mazars.co.uk or call 0115 964 4744.