Surgeries provide an opportunity for any ward resident to go and talk to their councillor face to face, without an appointment.
The surgeries are open to those who want to ask their local councillor about a specific council issue or service. You can also use them to air your views on a particular subject or to make a complaint.
Surgeries are either held at local venues within the wards, for example in the church hall or community centre or the councillors will carry out a street surgery, selecting a particular street or area of the ward to visit.
Both types of surgery are advertised in advance on Chesterfield Borough Council's Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) pages.
In some wards, flyers will be put through your doors confirming a visit will take place and for you to place the "X" in your window if you would like to talk to one of your councillors.
If you wish to find out if a street surgery is planned for your area, or if you would like to find out who your local councillor is, please contact the members’ support office on 01246 345238.