Community engagement

Community engagement

We want to listen to and learn from our communities and encourage them to get involved with local issues.

We carry out engagement events, focus groups and drop-in sessions to involve local people, businesses and the voluntary sector in important decisions that may affect them. 

Find out more about community engagement.


Petitions are a way for individuals or local organisations to ask us to consider a particular matter, or to take a specific course of action. 

You can submit either a paper petition or an electronic petition, or you can run both petitions at the same time. 

Find out more about petitions.

Community Right to Bid

Local community organisations can use the 'Community Right to Bid' to nominate land and buildings, that provide an important service in their community, as 'assets of community value'. 

Find out more about Community Right to Bid.

Community Right to Challenge

Community Right to Challenge gives community and voluntary sector organisations and council staff the right to 'challenge' local authorities by putting forward an expression of interest in running a service or part of a service. 

Find out more about Community Right to Challenge.