Staff Caution List privacy notice

The following privacy notice tells individuals what to expect when they have been registered as a potentially aggressive and violent person on the council’s Staff Caution List.

Safeguards are in place to ensure that this data is kept secure, and the privacy of individuals is protected. This notice should be read alongside the council’s main privacy notice.

Who is responsible for your information?

Chesterfield Borough Council is the data controller for the personal information collected.

Purposes of processing your personal data

The Council owes a duty of care to its employees under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and has a legal duty under RIDDOR – Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 – to record and report work-related violence. In the event or likelihood of this happening, personal information about an individual involved in an incident will be collected and stored on the council’s Staff Caution List.

Information on the Staff Caution List will be used to assess the risk to our employees, contractors, and any other party we have a health and safety responsibility for (including the risk of reasonably foreseeable violence). This includes using the information we hold to assess if there is a risk to our staff when they contact or visit an individual, and to ensure that our staff are aware of that risk.

Where necessary, we will also use any personal information we have obtained to enable the council to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

How we collect this information

We collect information for this purpose via a number of methods, including:

  • information collected from people involved or who witnessed an incident
  • information collected from you directly
  • information collected from our staff about an incident
  • information collected from third party sources (eg. the Police)

We will combine this information with data we already hold about you from other sources to try to ensure we have the correct information about you.

Categories of data and lawful basis

Collected information will include (where relevant):

  • name, address, and contact details
  • a description of the incident that you were involved in
  • images and video of the incident or related incidents (such as CCTV or footage from body cameras)
  • sensitive personal information, including health information and information about criminal convictions or allegations that relate to the incident

Under data protection legislation, we are permitted to use your personal information this way because the processing is necessary to allow us to carry out our statutory duties whilst meeting our health and safety obligations to our staff. Special category data is processed for reasons of substantial public interest under the law that applies to us (see above) where this helps to meet our broader social obligations such as where it is necessary for us to fulfil our legal obligations and regulatory requirements.

Data sharing

It may be necessary for limited details to be shared with third party providers, partner agencies and other local authorities who may come into direct contact with you.

We will only share information that is adequate, relevant and not excessive, and only where sharing is necessary to safeguard our staff and other third parties from potential harm.

Information about an incident may also be shared with the Police if necessary, or with our insurers.

Further information

Please get in touch if you would like more information about how the council processes your personal data: