Planning strategy privacy notice

This privacy notice explains what information the council needs in order to deliver the planning strategy service.

In order to provide this service, it is necessary for the council to collect, store and process some personal information. Safeguards are in place to ensure that this data is kept secure and the privacy of individuals is protected.

This notice should be read alongside the council’s main privacy notice.

Who is responsible for your information?

Chesterfield Borough Council is the data controller for the personal information collected.

Purposes of processing your personal data

Consultations on strategic planning issues

We need to process your personal information in order to prepare the Local Plan, and to manage consultations on other strategic planning issues. In particular, we will process personal data for the following purposes:

  • if you have requested that we contact you about consultations, or you have provided a representation before, we will hold contact details for you; we will contact you when new consultations are launched
  • we may hold personal details about you as part of your representation regarding the Local Plan or another strategic planning issue - this is a statutory duty carried out in line with the council's published Statement of Community Involvement (SCI); some personal details must be recorded alongside your opinions of the planning policy


We also keep a register of individuals and groups interested in land within the borough for custom and self-build, and records of land and land ownership for consideration as potential development allocations. Both these records are also used as evidence to inform the preparation of the council’s Local Plan.

Community Infrastructure Levy

We need to process personal information for the purpose of administering the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in accordance with The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended). This includes records of individuals and organisations liable for or having paid Community Infrastructure Levy.

Categories of personal data and lawful basis

We may need to process some or all of the following categories of personal information:

  • contact details
  • date or birth
  • your opinions
  • details about land that you own

Under data protection legislation, we are permitted to use your information this way because we carrying out a task in the public interest, and in the exercise of our official authority. 

Who we share your personal data with

Details of representations will be published online until the plan is officially adopted (this may take several years). We are also required to share all details of representations with the Planning Inspectorate.

Further information

Please get in touch if you would like more information about how the council processes your personal data: