Let us know if something has gone wrong with your bins or bin collections.
What do you want to report?
- a bin or waste sack that hasn't been emptied
- a missing or damaged bin
- a bin or waste sack hasn't been delivered or repaired
- a problem that happened on bin collection day
- a problem with a bulky waste collection
You can report a problem that happened on your bin collection day
For example:
- a bin or waste sack was put back in the wrong place
- waste or recycling sacks weren't left
- the crew didn't take your extra recycling
- litter was left behind in the street
- you are unhappy with the behaviour of the crew
You can also let us know if a wheelie bin has been left out in the street for two weeks or more.
Protecting your privacy - find out how we keep your information safe.
What we will do
We will ask our waste contractor to investigate, and check video from onboard cameras where available, to find out what went wrong.
We may share your enquiry with the crew - so please only include details of what happened.