We've put together some information for businesses that supply goods and services to us.
Purchase orders
You should not accept verbal instructions to supply goods or services to Chesterfield Borough Council without a valid purchase order number (PO number)
All invoices sent to the council for payment must include a valid PO number to avoid payment being delayed or rejected.
You should speak to your contact within the council if you do not receive a PO number upon a request to supply goods and services. Cooperating with this policy is the best way to ensure your invoice is paid promptly.
Our finance system produces PO numbers as a seven digit number.
Invoices should be submitted by email to invoices@chesterfield.gov.uk and they must contain the following information:
- your company name and address
- your VAT registration number (if applicable)
- invoice number
- invoice date
- valid purchase order number
- customer name (this must be Chesterfield Borough Council)
- name of the service area requesting goods/service or council contact person (this can be found on our purchase order)
- a full description of the goods and services supplied
- for each line item: quantity, description, unit price, net value, VAT rate, VAT value, line total
- invoice totals: Net, VAT, Gross
Where goods and services that do not have VAT applied to them - this should be shown clearly.
Our standard payment terms are 30 days from receipt of the invoice but failure to comply with the above instructions may result in delays processing your invoice and making payment to you.
If you have any questions about an invoice or about the above instructions, please contact invoices@chesterfield.gov.uk.
Standard terms and conditions
All suppliers that wish to work with the council should review our standard terms and conditions. These set out how we expect ourselves and suppliers to work together.
Procurement standard terms and conditions | (PDF 203 KB) |
Procurement Terms and Conditions Consultancy 2022 | (PDF 182 KB) |