Tendering for contracts

Tendering for contracts

On most occasions this council will use an open tendering procedure, which means that any interested company can tender for the contract. A company must still express its interest in the contract, but will then be sent a set of tender documents for completion. The information submitted will be considered together with the tender bid at the same time.

The tender documents will normally consist of all or some of the following:

  • Letter of Invitation – this will advise when and where tender should be submitted
  • Instructions to Tenders – provides guidance for completing the tender documentation
  • Form of Tender – a company’s agreement to the terms and conditions of tender
  • Specification – sets out what’s needed to be achieved including policies, procedures or guidelines to be followed; it sets out the performance standard and the outcomes expected
  • Schedule of Rate/Pricing Document – the document where all prices are entered
  • Terms and Conditions of Contract – defines how Chesterfield Borough Council will let contracts, the rules tenderers must comply with and the relationship between the council and the successful contractor/supplier
  • Quality Requirements/Method Statement Questions – questions about how a company intends to provide the service including supporting evidence demonstrating relevant experience; this will be used to help evaluate the quality of the bid - a company will be expected to demonstrate its commitment to the council’s policies as outlined in the documentation and support information in its responses
  • Tender Evaluation Criteria – advises how the tender submission will be evaluated and the contract awarded, the council will ensure that this is clear and understandable
  • Pre-addressed Tender Return Envelope – states the time and date by which the tender must be returned (tenders will not be considered after all tenders have been opened); obviously this will not apply where electronic tendering is involved
  • any relevant supporting information

Tender evaluation and contract award – return tenders will be evaluated against the pre-determined criteria. Evaluation will focus on examining how the tender proposals will deliver the service (quality) and the cost of the service (price). The balance between the quality and price will depend on the particular service area. The council will normally award the contract on the basis of "the most economically advantageous" tender. The successful tenderer will be notified in writing (by letter) or official electronic communication.

Debriefing – within the limits of commercial confidentiality, the council will always endeavour to offer unsuccessful tenderers feedback to find out why their bid has failed.

This information can be used to help with any future bids, being unsuccessful in one contract does not mean that the company will be unsuccessful in the future.

This council encourages competition and welcomes bids from new and established suppliers. Contracts must be awarded on the basis of obtaining "best value/practice" for the taxpayer.

The council cannot discriminate in favour of local suppliers but they will be given every encouragement to compete for council contracts.

Chesterfield Borough Council has a duty to be fair, non-discriminatory, honest and professional in the way it awards contracts and chooses its suppliers and in any dealings with them.