Apply for a skin piercing variation

Apply for a skin piercing variation

If you carry out skin piercing activities, or run a business where they are carried out, you need to let us know of any changes that might affect your registration.

The fee to vary your registration depends on whether an inspection is required:

Minor variation - £33

  • for example a change of name, change of practitioner's home address

Major variation and inspection - £170

  • for example a change to the activity carried out, changed layout of premises

Please note that all fees are subject to a percentage increase on a yearly basis.

How to apply

To apply for a variation you will need to tell us:

  • your registration certificate number
  • details of the registration before the variation
  • full details of what has changed

We will contact you to take your payment once we have decided whether this is a minor or major variation.

Apply for a skin piercing variation


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We deal with skin piercing registration under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Last updated on 10/04/2024