If you are having difficulty making payments, please contact us as soon as possible so we can help you to manage your payments.
If you live in a council house or rent a garage from us, it is important that you pay your rent regularly each week. Otherwise, you could be in danger of losing your property.
Rent arrears can also affect other payments you make to us. For example, if you have home contents insurance through Chesterfield Borough Council, this could be cancelled if your rent account is in arrears for four weeks or more.
You can email us at revenues.rents@chesterfield.gov.uk, our rent recovery team are also available to speak to you on 01246 345345.
The sooner we know about any problems you are having in paying your rent, the easier it will be for us to help you.
If you are on a low income you may be able to claim help to pay your rent.
Our mortgage and rent arrears page has more information on help and support available. We have also created a budget planner which you can complete electronically or print off and fill in - find it in our housing information library.