Housing information library

This section contains many of our printable leaflets, application forms and easy read information.

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.

Leaflets and information  

Anti social behaviour leaflet PDF (PDF 413 KB)
Bereavement of a tenant who lived alone PDF (PDF 237 KB)
Bereavement of a tenant who shared their home PDF (PDF 337 KB)
Ending a tenancy PDF (PDF 400 KB)
Garden assistance scheme leaflet PDF (PDF 121 KB)
Tenancy agreement (copy) PDF (PDF 4.31 MB)
Tenant engagement leaflet PDF (PDF 232 KB)

Application forms  

Garden assistance scheme application form PDF (PDF 86 KB)
Nominate someone to act on your behalf Word (Word 26 KB)

Easy read  

Easy Read guide to your tenancy agreement PDF (PDF 520 KB)

Rent documents 

Budget planner Word (Word 34 KB)
Rent refund form Word (Word 81 KB)
Rent refund form - next of kin Word (Word 81 KB)

Go to the tenant handbook