D2N2 employment support

This page provides information on the different employment schemes available in Chesterfield and surrounding areas.

Universal employment support

Works coach support

  • Job Finding Support
  • Sector-Based Work Academy Programme (SWAPs)
  • New Enterprise Allowance

Job entry-targeted support

Support for individuals unemployed for three months.


Employment support for individuals unemployed for 12 months or more.

The Work and Health Programme for long-term unemployed - WHP

Helping people who are disabled, long-term unemployed unemployed or in early access group.


Employment support for people with disabilities or health issues

Work and Health Programme Priority Groups

Supporting disadvantaged groups into sustainable employment, for example, over-50-year-olds.

Intensive Personalised Employment Support - IPES

Employment support for individuals with multiple and complex needs.

Access to Work

Helps more disabled people start or stay in employment.

D2N2 employment and skills provision Expand all

Nottingham City Council

  • Engage Nottingham – supporting Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity (BAME) individuals in Nottingham access employment and skills provision
  • Nottingham Jobs Fund - providing financial incentives to employers to assist recruitment of Nottingham City residents
  • Community Hubs - joint initiative between the council’s Locality Management Team and Economic Development, providing wrap around support for residents
  • Area Leads – partners providing employment support and wrap around interventions within the community


Nottinghamshire County Council

  • i-work - employment support for  aged 18+ with autism or learning disabilities
  • Supported Employment Hub - for anyone with learning disabilities, includes Brooke Farm provision
  • Inspire - adult learning budget and employment and skills training
  • Employability programme - for parents of children under 5 years old using Children’s Centres in Nottinghamshire
  • Care Leavers Achievement Team - working with care leavers to help them into work


Derbyshire County Council

  • CF03 APM - ex-offenders only; either in prison, due to be released or on-licence in the community
  • Work Your Way (IPS) - engaged in secondary mental health services only, 18+ (Derbyshire)
  • Future's Positive – (IPS) - engaged in secondary mental health services only, 18+ (Nottinghamshire)
  • IAPT Employment Advisers - work in primary mental health services to help people into work
  • Autism Employment Services - specialist advisors for people with autism, delivered by a range of organisations including Autism EM
  • D2N2 Skills Access Hub - provides bespoke skills training and development opportunities to local businesses in the D2N2 region
  • Community and Family Learning - providing community based skills provision for families
  • ESOL Project - providing English language training for speakers of other languages
  • Apprenticeships - paid employment opportunities for all ages while gaining training and qualifications
  • Care 4 Notts and Joined Up Careers - helping people into health and social care roles. Care 4 Notts is also a jobs portal
  • National Careers Service- intensive careers support for adults and young people (aged 13 or over)
  • Careers and Enterprise Company- employer led support for schools raising aspirations and developing closer connections between employers, schools, colleges and providers
  • Future Impact - offers person-centred support for young people with special educational and complex needs in Nottingham
  • Start in D2N2 - online careers advice portal for parents, pupils, teachers and employers
  • Youth Hubs - Department for Work and Pensions-led initiative supported by Nottinghamshire County Council, providing wrap-around support for young people
  • Community Hubs - joint initiative between the council’s Locality Management Team and Economic Development, providing wrap-around support for residents
  • Social Prescribing - link workers providing holistic approach to health and wellbeing, including employment support
  • D2N2 Growth Hub - business support ranging from access to finance, CPD, export advice and Brexit resilience
  • New Enterprise Allowance - Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) support for those claiming certain unemployment benefits to become self-employed
  • Future Self-Employment - DWP support for individuals seeking progression into self-employment
  • B-Global - targeted business support for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity (BAME)-led businesses
  • Apprenticeships - brokerage and financial support for employers recruiting apprentices
  • Area-based business clubs and networks - supporting entrepreneurs using a place-based approach
  • D2N2 Pathways to HSC - employment and training support for individuals aged 16+ across D2N2 within the health and social care sector
  • Ways2Work - working with people with barriers to getting into employment, education and training
  • Start in D2N2 - online careers platform for young people and businesses
  • Futures for You -  helping people with barriers into employment
  • DBC iProgramme - support to improve skills for those in work or out of work
  • GRADS for D2N2 - support for businesses to identify skills and talent needs, and benefit from graduate talent in the region
  • COVID-19 recovery fund for young people - employment and training support for individuals 16-24 across D2N2
  • COVID-19 recovery fund for people over 25 years - employment and training support for people aged 25+ across D2N2
  • Community Renewal Fund – a range of projects supporting people into work (October start)
  • Careers Hubs – new ones being developed in south Derbyshire, south Nottinghamshire and north Nottinghamshire
  • Adult Education Budget - support for adults including employability training and job search
  • Apprenticeships - provision by a range of providers to support employers to take on new apprentices and/or upskill their current staff; this is for people of all ages and includes entry level and higher apprenticeships via universities
  • Traineeships - provision of job search and support to find traineeships in a range of occupations
  • Others - delivered by housing organisations, charities and other organisations such as the Prince’s Trust's Get Into programme, Trackworks. Varies by area
  • Headstart - young people’s employment project delivered by Family Action, including work placements with national employers