
Have your say on a new initiative to tackle anti-social behaviour

Residents and businesses are being invited to have their say on a new initiative that aims to tackle anti-social behaviour in Chesterfield neighbourhoods – including nuisance drivers – following concerns from local people.

Chesterfield Borough Council is considering the introduction of new Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) that will help tackle street drinking, nuisance begging and anti-social behaviour using a vehicle. The orders would apply to a large area of Chesterfield from the town centre up to Chesterfield Trading Estate and from Littlemoor shops across to Sainsbury's.

The consultation on these proposals is open from Monday 5 February until Monday 4 March.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “In 2023 we received more than 130 complaints from members of the public and businesses about anti-social behaviour involving a vehicle in this area alone. Based on the complaints we have received and information from our community safety partners we know this is a serious issue that negatively impacts the day-to-day lives of many people, and we want to introduce these new Public Spaces Protection Orders as it will give the police additional powers to tackle nuisance behaviour across this area.

“Please do look carefully at these proposals and take part in the consultation to let us know if you support or oppose these measures.”

The PSPO requires anyone found drinking alcohol, on the streets within the PSPO area, to hand over open or unopened alcohol vessels or containers.

If introduced the orders will also ban:

  • Urinating or defecating in public outside of a public toilet.
  • Loitering around shops or cash points for the purpose of begging.
  • Behaviour that causes nuisance, alarm, or distress to another person.
  • Stunts using a motor vehicle including doughnuts, skidding, handbrake turns and wheel spinning.
  • Loud music or noise from a vehicle that causes a nuisance to others.
  • Causing a danger or risk of injury to others by speeding or racing in a motor vehicle.
  • Causing an obstruction on a public highway, whether moving or stationary, including driving in convoy in a motor vehicle.

Several Public Space Protection Orders already apply in Chesterfield, including the Town Centre PSPOs which aim to tackle street drinking and anti-social behaviour and the Dog Control PSPO which govern where dogs can be walked and when they should be kept on leads.

If supported by the public, the new Public Space Protection Orders will be considered by the council’s cabinet before being introduced later in the year.

Find out more about the proposals and have your say by visiting the council's consultations page

PSPO map 2024

First published on 05/02/2024 Last updated on 07/08/2024