
Share your views on play area improvements

We’ve opened four new play areas across the borough of Chesterfield over the last few months, as part of more than £1 million investment in our parks. 

As part of the funding requirement for the new play areas we need to ask local residents and park visitors what they think of the improvements.

In Chester Street Recreation Ground (Monkey Park), we’ve undertaken improvements to the path network and planted new trees and would also like to understand what local residents think of the changes. 

Each park has its own unique survey, with each one taking no more than five minutes to complete. 

The new play areas have been partially funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Valencia Communities Fund, and the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Chesterfield Borough Council has been awarded £2.693 million from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The money will be spent over the next three financial years (running until 2024/25) on a range of projects which will benefit local residents and businesses.

The Valencia Communities Fund provides funding from the landfill tax credits and is used to provide funding to community projects across the country.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy that local planning authorities can charge on certain types of new development in their area. The money is used to support necessary development by funding infrastructure that the Council local community and neighbourhoods have identified through the Local Plan, such as new road schemes, park improvements or new primary schools.

The surveys will be open for residents to complete until Sunday 1 September. 

You can find the links to each of the surveys below: 

First published on 17/07/2024 Last updated on 19/07/2024