
Takeaway owner pleads guilty to putting staff at risk of serious injury

A Chesterfield takeaway boss has pleaded guilty to two health and safety offences that put staff at risk of serious injury.

Mr Hawker Sharif of 2B Lismore Road, Sheffield S8 9JD, has pleaded guilty at Derby Magistrates’ Court to two health and safety offences under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

On a routine inspection at Mr Sharif’s business, USA Fried Chicken, Chesterfield Borough Council officers discovered a dough roller machine had safety guards removed and a previously bypassed plug had been replaced - making the machine dangerous and putting employees at risk of serious injury.

At the sentencing hearing on Monday 8 January 2024, Mr Sharif was sentenced to an 18-month community order with a single requirement to complete 250 hours of unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay £3,600 towards costs and £114 victim surcharge.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “The council will always act to protect the health and safety of employees in the borough and will take action against business owners that put people at risk.

“By continuing to allow the dough roller machine to be used without guards, Mr Sharif was putting his employees at serious risk and leaving us with no option but to take formal action.

“This should be seen as a strong warning to all business owners throughout the borough, that they must ensure that they meet all of their legal duties and comply with any warning notices – or risk prosecution.”

First published on 12/01/2024 Last updated on 20/03/2024