Spital Cemetery

Situated three quarters of a mile from the town centre, Spital Cemetery was the first public cemetery to be opened in Chesterfield in 1857, to serve the local communities of Chesterfield and Tapton.

It provides approximately 10.5 acres of burial space, with the greatest number of burials of any of the council's cemeteries to date. There are two entrances, off the A632 road at Hady Hill.

The cemetery contains a number of fine memorials, which provide an interesting insight into Chesterfield's social, political, cultural and economic history from the 19th century. Many of the memorials refer to those who worked in local industries and those who fought and died during the First and Second World Wars. The graves also provide a factual record of the various communities who have lived in the town, and the many that continue to do so. The special character of the cemetery is confirmed by the fact that it is a Grade II listed site on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. Our regulations allow a wide range of choice for the bereaved in the size, height and style of the memorials permitted.

There is sufficient spare capacity to accommodate burials for a further ten years (from 2009) at current rates of use. There are up to 40 interments annually in the consecrated and unconsecrated areas, and there are also special facilities for the interment of cremated remains.

Find Spital Cemetery

Hady Hill
S41 0DZ

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Email: bereavement.services@chesterfield.gov.uk
Phone:  01246 345112