This web page is designed to provide an accessible source of information demonstrating how Chesterfield Borough Council is playing its part in making society fairer by tackling discrimination and providing equality of opportunity for all.
In order to demonstrate our compliance with the duties in an accessible way, we have broken down the required information below. For further information about the duties, please see our Equality Act page.
Equality objectives
Our Council Plan includes the council's vision, aims and objectives including the council's overarching objectives in terms of equality.
Information about our policies and services
The Equality Act requires public bodies to consider how the decisions that they make, and the services they deliver, affect people who share different protected characteristics. Guidance from the Government Equalities Office states that public bodies should take a proportionate approach when complying with the Equality Duty – in practice, this means giving greater consideration to the Equality Duty where a function or policy has the potential to have a substantial effect on discrimination or equality of opportunity for the public or the public body's employees, and less consideration where the potential effect on equality is slight.
We have worked with colleagues at Bolsover District Council and North East Derbyshire District Council to establish a unified approach to the information we publish about services and policies and to ensure that we focus on those services which are customer facing. To view this data, please see our information about our policies and services. Where we have identified gaps in the information we collect, a gap action plan has been developed to demonstrate our commitment to publishing a complete and proportionate set of information about our services.
Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) are one way in which the council has due regard to the three aims of the Public Sector Equality Duty is by undertaking Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) whenever a policy, project, service, function or strategy is reviewed, created or changed. EIAs are undertaken before decisions are made by the council so that councillors are able to consider any impacts and agree mitigating action where appropriate.
Our EIA process allows the council to identify and mitigate against any potential negative impacts of our services on different groups. It is completed before the policy, project, service function or strategy has been set up, to ensure that mitigating action can be included in our plans. During our Peer Challenge Review against the Equality Framework for Local Government, the challenge team reported that the EIA process at Chesterfield Borough Council is comprehensive and demonstrates examples of challenge at all stages.
We use EIAs to:
- stop direct and indirect discrimination from happening now and in the future
- highlight diversity as a strength and an integral part of our work, not just an add on
- recognise the fact that we don’t all have an equal chance in life, and find ways to address this through our work
- make sure that our services are accessible to everyone in the community
- help improving the way we treat our customers
- help with the decisions that we need to make
- improve relations with our residents by publicising our commitment to equality as an organisation
To view the Equality Impact Assessments undertaken by Chesterfield Borough Council, please visit our Equality Impact Assessment page.
We collect the information below so that we can make informed decisions about our services and policies.
The information is collected through equality monitoring and a variety of consultations throughout the year with our employees and customers. We use the information as evidence within the the Equality Impact Assessment process when any changes are made to our policies or services. This helps to ensure that the council takes due regard to the need to:
- eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it
For more information, please visit our Equality Impact Assessments page.
Information about the population of Chesterfield Borough
Census 2021 Summary Profile
The summary profile contains brief information relating to the population, households, housing, health, education, workforce, ethnicity and religion of a geographical area based on Census 2021. The Chesterfield Summary Profile is available here.
State of the Borough Report
The State of the Borough Report brings together statistics regarding the population of Chesterfield Borough from a variety of sources including the Census. All of the information is provided at ward level. Please follow the link to view the State of the Borough Report.
Equalities Annual Report
Chesterfield Borough Council produces an Equality and Diversity Report that includes corporate achievements in relation to equality and diversity, and the activities of the Equality and Diversity Forum.
Satisfaction with our services
The documents below contain information about who is accessing Chesterfield Borough Council services and how satisfied people are with them.
Chesterfield Borough Council Member Data 2024 | ![]() |
Comments, Compliments and Complaints 2024 | ![]() |
Chesterfield Borough Council Workforce 2024 | ![]() |
Housing services annual report
Equality and diversity annual report
We collect the information below so that we can make informed decisions about our services and policies.
The information is collected through equality monitoring and a variety of consultations throughout the year with our employees and customers. We use the information as evidence within the the Equality Impact Assessment process when any changes are made to our policies or services. This helps to ensure that the council takes due regard to the need to:
- eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it
For more information, please visit our Equality Impact Assessments page.
Information about the population of Chesterfield Borough
Census 2021 Summary Profile
The summary profile contains brief information relating to the population, households, housing, health, education, workforce, ethnicity and religion of a geographical area based on Census 2021. The Chesterfield Summary Profile is available here.
State of the Borough Report
The State of the Borough Report brings together statistics regarding the population of Chesterfield Borough from a variety of sources including the Census. All of the information is provided at Ward level, there are 19 wards in Chesterfield. Please follow the link to view the State of the Borough Report.
Equalities Annual Report
Chesterfield Borough Council produces an Equality and Diversity Report that includes corporate achievements in relation to equality and diversity, and the activities of the Equality and Diversity Forum.
Satisfaction with our services
The documents below contain information about who is accessing Chesterfield Borough Council services and how satisfied people are with them. The most recent 'Are You Being Served?' residents' survey was carried out in 2021.
Housing services annual report
Equality and diversity annual report
We collect the information below so that we can make informed decisions about our services and policies.
The information is collected through equality monitoring and a variety of consultations throughout the year with our employees and customers. We use the information as evidence within the the Equality Impact Assessment process when any changes are made to our policies or services. This helps to ensure that the council takes due regard to the need to:
- eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it
For more information, please visit our Equality Impact Assessments page.
Information about the population of Chesterfield Borough
Census 2011 Summary Profile
The summary profile contains brief information relating to the population, households, housing, health, education, workforce, ethnicity and religion of a geographical area based on Census 2011. The Chesterfield Summary Profile is available here.
State of the Borough Report
The State of the Borough Report brings together statistics regarding the population of Chesterfield Borough from a variety of sources including the Census. All of the information is provided at Ward level, there are 16 wards in Chesterfield. Please follow the link to view the State of the Borough Report.
Equalities Annual Report
Chesterfield Borough Council produces an Equality and Diversity Report that includes corporate achievements in relation to equality and diversity, and the activities of the Equality and Diversity Forum.
Satisfaction with our services
The documents below contain information about who is accessing Chesterfield Borough Council services and how satisfied people are with them.
Housing services annual report
Equality and diversity annual report
We collect the information below so that we can make informed decisions about our services and policies.
The information is collected through equality monitoring and a variety of consultations throughout the year with our employees and customers. We use the information as evidence within the the Equality Impact Assessment process when any changes are made to our policies or services. This helps to ensure that the council takes due regard to the need to:
- eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it
For more information, please visit our Equality Impact Assessments page.
Information about the population of Chesterfield Borough
Census 2011 Summary Profile
The summary profile contains brief information relating to the population, households, housing, health, education, workforce, ethnicity and religion of a geographical area based on Census 2011. The Chesterfield Summary Profile is available here.
State of the Borough Report
The State of the Borough Report brings together statistics regarding the population of Chesterfield Borough from a variety of sources including the Census. All of the information is provided at Ward level, there are 19 wards in Chesterfield. Please follow the link to view the State of the Borough Report.
Equalities Annual Report
Chesterfield Borough Council produces an Equality and Diversity Report that includes corporate achievements in relation to equality and diversity, and the activities of the Equality and Diversity Forum.
Satisfaction with our services
The documents below contain information about who is accessing Chesterfield Borough Council services and how satisfied people are with them.
Housing services annual report
Equality and diversity annual report
We collect the information below so that we can make informed decisions about our services and policies.
The information is collected through equality monitoring and a variety of consultations throughout the year with our employees and customers. We use the information as evidence within the the Equality Impact Assessment process when any changes are made to our policies or services. This helps to ensure that the council takes due regard to the need to:
- eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it
For more information, please visit our Equality Impact Assessments page.
Information about the population of Chesterfield Borough
Census 2011 Summary Profile
The summary profile contains brief information relating to the population, households, housing, health, education, workforce, ethnicity and religion of a geographical area based on Census 2011. The Chesterfield Summary Profile is available here.
State of the Borough Report
The State of the Borough Report brings together statistics regarding the population of Chesterfield Borough from a variety of sources including the Census. All of the information is provided at Ward level, there are 19 wards in Chesterfield. Please follow the link to view the State of the Borough Report.
Equalities Annual Report
Chesterfield Borough Council produces an Equality and Diversity Report that includes corporate achievements in relation to equality and diversity, and the activities of the Equality and Diversity Forum.
Satisfaction with our services
The documents below contain information about who is accessing Chesterfield Borough Council services and how satisfied people are with them.
For further information, please contact the policy service:
Phone: 01246 936793
Textphone: 01246 345285