Additional information required following a local search
Once you've received the results of a local search you may have some follow up questions about a range of issues.
To help speed up your conveyancing we've put together details of who to contact.
Planning matters
The local searches department can provide copies of Section 52, Section 106 agreements and tree preservation orders; however if you wish to enquire whether liabilities under a Section 52 or Section 106 Planning Agreement have been complied with please contact our planning technician) at
Planning consents, background information and decision can be found on our online planning system.
If you are unable to find the application you are interested in please email
Grant enquiries
If you wish to check whether a revealed Housing Repair Grant or Disabled Facilities Grant is repayable and in what amount, please email the property address and HRA/DF reference number to Requests do need to be made in writing, but for any queries please call 01246 345748.
Highways matters
If you wish to obtain copies of Section 38, Section 219, Section 220 or Section 278 road agreements, please contact the Highways department at Derbyshire County Council, email or call 01629 538653.