Find and comment on planning applications

Our online planning system lets you find, comment on, and track the progress of planning applications and appeals. 

You can:

  • search a list of applications validated or decided each week
  • view and download copies of drawings and documents submitted with applications
  • submit comments about an application*
  • monitor the progress of an application*
  • check any constraints associated with a site
  • view whether an appeal has been lodged and any appeal decisions
  • view details of historic applications
  • view property details by reference to a map
  • view recent planning committee reports and decision notices

* you will need to register with us to track or comment on an application.

Find, view and comment on planning applications 

Search online here


Please note: our online planning system uses temporary cookies that will be deleted when you close your browser.

Copyright notice

Planning application information submitted to the council is protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

By using our online planning system you agree to comply with this copyright notice.

Please note:

Printed copies and uncontrolled electronic copies of any documents may not be the latest revision.

Guide to the online planning system Expand all

Using our online planning service you can search for:

  • planning applications that have already been decided, or that are currently being considered by the council
  • comments and documents on planning applications 
  • weekly and monthly lists lists of applications that have been received and decided
  • property details on a map
  • historic planning applications 
  • planning appeals

You can also register to access the following extra features:

  • comment or object to planning applications
  • track progress of current planning applications
  • save search criteria for searches you wish to perform regularly

Email alerts are automatically sent to you from your individual tracked and saved applications.

You can also receive alerts based on a variety of criteria of your choice for example, you can set a geographical saved search using the map so that the system notifies you of any application changes or new applications within a geographical range specified (or based on a circular radius range).

Register now for full access to all the features in our online planning system.

Use the 'simple search' to find planning applications or appeals.

You can search using:

  • keywords - such as 'barn conversion' or 'change of use'
  • reference number - if you already know the application or appeal number that you are looking for
  • postcode - if you're not sure of a property number
  • address - enter the first line of an address to see cases for that property

You can look up weekly or monthly lists or find applications using a map.

You can also look up details for a property, even if there's never been a planning application made there.

You can carry out these simple searches without registering, but if you want to make comments and objections or track the progress of current planning applications, you will need to you will need to register for our online planning service.

Please note: Public Access is not currently available to Firefox users but is accessible through most other browsers. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Registering on our online planning service gives you access to extra features, such as tracking applications or submitting comments.

1. Click on the register button

2. Enter your name (title, first name, surname)

3. Enter your email address

4. Enter a password (must be 8 characters long or longer containing a mixture of letters and numbers and must not contain spaces)

5. Confirm the password

6. Enter your postcode

7. Select your address from the drop down list or enter your address manually

8. Read and accept the terms and conditions

9. Complete the registration

10. An email will be sent to the email address you have just entered – you will need to click on the link in this email to complete the registration process

Register to use our online planning service here. 

Please note: Public Access is not currently available to Firefox users but is accessible through most other browsers. Sorry for any inconvenience.

You need to login to to the online planning system to take full advantage of all of the features, including tracking applications and submitting comments.

  • go to the online planning system
  • click the Login button and enter your email address and password

You can use the Forgotten password feature to set a new password

Remember to Log out when you have finished your session

Log into the online planning system here 

Please note: Public Access is not currently available to Firefox users but is accessible through most other browsers. Sorry for any inconvenience.

 Our online planning system uses 'Public Access' provided by Idox.