Guide to speaking at planning committee

Guide to speaking at planning committee

Members of the public are allowed to speak at the beginning of planning committee meetings, subject to certain conditions.

When an application is being reported to planning committee you, or a nominee, can speak at the meeting if you have written to the council objecting to or supporting the application.

You must make your request to speak in writing or by email received by Planning Services before 5pm, two working days before the meeting. 

There is a limit on the number of objectors or supporters (including the applicant) who can speak at planning committee and this is normally restricted to two from each side. If you are one of a number of people who have requested the opportunity to speak at committee, you will be informed of the names and addresses of the others so that you can, between yourselves, decide on a spokesperson.

A decision on an application will not be held up if any person who had given notice to speak is unable to attend the meeting or is not present when the application is dealt with.

For further information, download our advice notes below.