
For key sites, the council will prepare masterplans or planning briefs to guide redevelopment.

This allows the wider community to comment on the key issues affecting a site and possible solutions before detailed development proposals are prepared. 

Chesterfield Waterside

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Waterside Design and Access Statement - Sections 1 to 5 PDF (PDF 32 MB)
Waterside Design and Access Statement - Sections 6 to 10 PDF (PDF 25.67 MB)

Land south of Chatsworth Road

Land South Of Chatsworth Road General Development Framework PDF (PDF 2.69 MB)

Northern Gateway

Northern Gateway Vision PDF (PDF 26.02 MB)

Station Masterplan

Station Master Plan PDF (PDF 18.82 MB)

Chesterfield Town Centre Masterplan

Part 1: Introduction and Vision PDF (PDF 4.36 MB)
Part 2: Developing the Masterplan PDF (PDF 4.17 MB)
Part 3: Character Areas PDF (PDF 11.74 MB)
Part 4: Implementation and Delivery PDF (PDF 2.5 MB)