For key sites, the council will prepare masterplans or planning briefs to guide redevelopment. This allows the wider community to comment on the key issues affecting a site and possible solutions before detailed development proposals are prepared.
If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Waterside Design and Access Statement - Sections 1 to 5 | (PDF 32 MB) |
Waterside Design and Access Statement - Sections 6 to 10 | (PDF 25.67 MB) |
Land South Of Chatsworth Road General Development Framework | (PDF 2.69 MB) |
Northern Gateway Vision | (PDF 26.02 MB) |
Station Master Plan | (PDF 18.82 MB) |
Chesterfield Town Centre Masterplan
Part 1: Introduction and Vision | (PDF 4.36 MB) |
Part 2: Developing the Masterplan | (PDF 4.17 MB) |
Part 3: Character Areas | (PDF 11.74 MB) |
Part 4: Implementation and Delivery | (PDF 2.5 MB) |