Learn to Swim pathway

Learn to Swim is a national pathway for those learning to swim.


Swim England: Pre-school framework

Discovery Duckling: for babies 3 months to 3 years to introduce baby to the water at an early age assisted by an accompanying adult.

Ducklings: for toddlers up to school age to help them gain water confidence and begin the first steps of learning to swim (with accompanying adult).


Swim England: Learn to Swim framework

See a detailed breakdown of each Learn to Swim stage.

Stage one

  • for beginners to develop basic safety awareness and water confidence; swimmers may use float aids

Stage two

  • developing safe entries into the water, basic floating skills and travelling up to five metres

Stage three

  • further developing safe entries including submersion and travelling up to 10 metres; swimmers will be assessed without float aids

Stage four

  • developing buoyancy skills, kicking technique for all strokes and swimming 10 metres

Stage five

  • developing skills through sculling and treading water and complete rotation; four strokes over 10 metres

Stage six

  • developing effective skills across all strokes and water safety skills; work on effective breathing

Stage seven

  • developing pool entry skills and further stroke development; overall stroke timing


Completing stage one to seven

After working through all the stages, learners can then progress onto:

  • Stage eight to ten
  • Survive and save
  • Rykneld Synchro Club
  • Chesterfield Swimming Club


Stage eight to ten (Swim England Aquatic Skills Framework)

Stage eight

  • developing more advanced swimming techniques and turn ability across all strokes; completing a 400 metre set on a specified turn-around time

Stage nine

  • working towards completion of an 800 metre set with a specified turn-around time and turn development

Stage ten

  • underpinning previous skills already learnt and 1,200 metre swim time sub 24 minutes


Survive and Save: Two hour lifesaving group for children ages 12 and above

Survival Squaddies

Introduction into the lifesaving pathway, children will complete water safety award 2 and 3.

Rookie one

For children eight and over to start their Rookie journey – Rookie bronze award 1, 2 and 3 allows children to understand how to make a safe rescue, the dangers of water and a some first aid.


Rykneld Synchro Club

An introduction to artistic swimming.


Chesterfield Swimming Club

An introduction into the competitive world of swimming.

Last updated on 24/11/2023