Swimming lessons terms and conditions

The information below relates to the swimming lessons we offer at Queen’s Park Sports Centre and the Healthy Living Centre, please read these carefully before starting your swimming course with us.

Please note all Direct Debit customers have a 14 day period from Direct Debit start date in which to cancel (any lessons taken in this period will be charged pro-rata).

  1. All lessons must be paid for prior to attending the first lesson; payment for group lessons can be made by:
    • Direct Debit (a pro-rata payment will apply to the first payment)
    • a 12-week block payment (requires you to top up online or at reception before the start of your 12th lesson to ensure you keep your space in your current class)
  2. Payment for 1-to-1 or 2-to-1 lessons can be made by five lesson block payments up front only, which requires you to top up at reception before the start of your fifth lesson to ensure you keep your space. If this is not done your space will be offered to the next customer. If you need to cancel a 1-to-1 lesson this must be done at least two hours before the lesson. If it is after this time you will stand to the cost of the lesson.
  3. No refunds can be made unless in exceptional circumstances where proof is required. You will be able to request a freeze or a saving of pre-paid credit to an account by emailing courses-enquiries@chesterfield.gov.uk, however this will result in an individual being withdrawn from the programme for the period of freeze. The Activity Development Officer’s decision will be final.
  4. Lessons are not transferable between swimmers or other courses, unless in exceptional circumstances agreed by an officer or manager.
  5. No make up lessons will be offered under any circumstances, this includes for holidays or short term sickness.
  6. Children’s lessons are for 25 minutes (55 minutes – for Learn To Swim stages 8, 9, 10 and Rookie 2 only) and registration is included in this time.
  7. Adult beginner and improver lessons are for 40 minutes, including registration time.
  8. Parent and child class bookings are ratios of one adult and one child per booking
  9. Under no circumstances are siblings or other children under 16 years to be brought and sat on poolside unsupervised whilst an adult is in the pool participating in an adult and child lesson.
  10. Our swimming lesson programme runs for 50 weeks of the year including on bank holidays (unless notified otherwise) with a two week break at Christmas, the monthly Direct Debit which is taken takes the two week break into consideration.
  11. The council reserves the right to cancel a lesson or course at any time, we will provide as much notice in advance as possible.
  12. If we cancel a lesson customers will not be charged for this lesson – cash block payers will receive an additional lesson credited to their current block and Direct Debit payers will have the next available Direct Debit amount reduced to reflect this.
  13. The council will use reasonable endeavours to provide the same instructor on a regular basis for each lesson, however relief instructors may be used without prior notification.
  14. To cancel lessons paid by Direct Debit we require email notice of 30 days to be sent to courses-enquiries@chesterfield.gov.uk
  15. The membership discount applies to those of the same household address.
  16. All under 8’s must have a responsible adult (16+) that always remains in the centre during their lesson.
  17. Teachers will collect children from the drop off point at the start of the lesson and return them to the pickup point at the end of their lesson. Parents or carers should ensure they are at the pickup point by the time the lesson finishes to collect their child.
  18. Children shouldn’t be in a public session before or after their lesson unless accompanied by a paying adult.
  19. The council will not under any circumstances, accept responsibility or liability in respect to damage to or loss of any goods, articles or property brought into or left at the sports or leisure centre.
  20. During the time swimming lessons are running parents or carers wishing to watch their family member participating must only do so in the designated spectator areas of the facility being attended. Parents/carers should never distract the swimmers or instructor during a lesson.
  21. We will not tolerate abuse towards our staff, if you have a complaint which cannot be resolved by speaking to your child’s teacher at the end of their lesson - please email courses-enquiries@chesterfield.gov.uk.
  22. The use of camera or video photography is strictly prohibited at all times within the leisure centre, unless prior approval has been sought.
  23. Each swimmer must register with the teacher at the start of the lesson.
  24. For swimmer safety any long hair should be tied back away from the face or secured with a bobble or swimming cap, and we advise jewellery should be removed.
  25. If a swimmer has a medical condition, disability, or any additional needs, this should be made known to us at time of booking; the information will be stored securely and available for the class teacher to see, please also keep us updated with any changes.
  26. When a badge has been awarded by a swimming instructor, please await your confirmation email, once you have this the badge and certificate will be available for you to purchase at our reception. Please note our receptionists cannot award badges unless the child is showing at 100% on the computer system- this includes any water safety certificates within the stage criteria.
  27. If a gymnast or parent/carer of a gymnast has chosen the wrong ability stage for the ability of a gymnast and an alternative class is offered and not accepted a refund will not be given.
  28. The council reserves the right to cancel a class and refuse to re-book a gymnast onto a stage if the gymnast or their parent/carer displays unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour, including failure to comply with these terms and conditions.
If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Swimming lessons terms and conditions PDF (PDF 201 KB)