Membership prices and payment methods

Membership prices and payment methods

Pay monthly, pre-paid or annually for a membership.

Monthly direct debit

All our monthly Direct Debit memberships are for a minimum 12-month period. When paying by Direct Debit, an initial payment is required to cover the period up to your first Direct Debit payment.


Pre-paid memberships

Take out a three or 12-month pre-paid membership. Our twelve-month pre-paid membership comes with a free month, that's 12 months for the price of 11.


Annual memberships

With our annual memberships, you can come for an occasional gym session, or get benefits and discounts, without the commitment of a monthly direct debit membership.

There are three different types of annual memberships:

Annual Active Chesterfield membership

Individual price: £27 per person, per year. 

Family price (up to 2 adults and up to 3 children): £32 per family, per year.

Change4Life (Change for Life) card

Price: £5.50 per person, per year

Annual Active Chesterfield Change4Life (combined membership)

Price: £27 per person, per year

Can't commit to monthly payments? You can pay as you go

With pay as you go you can pay separately for each activity attended. For prices see here.