You can still cast your vote even if you won't be able to get to the polling station on election day.
As long as you are registered to vote, you can ask to vote by post, or ask someone to vote as a proxy on your behalf.
Contact our customer services team to find out if you are already registered for a postal or proxy vote.
Changes to absent voting
From 31 October 2023, all absent vote applications (except for emergency proxy applications) in England, will require a national insurance number (NINO) or a reason why one cannot be provided.
Postal voting
You can apply to vote by post for a specific election, a definite period of not more than 3 years, or a maximum period of up to 3 years. You can apply for a postal vote online or compete a paper application form.
Completed forms can be scanned and sent by email to
Alternatively you can return your form by post to:
Electoral Services
Chesterfield Borough Council
Town Hall
Rose Hill
S40 1LP
You will receive an acknowledgement letter once your application has been made.
A ballot paper will be sent direct to the address you have given on your application. Postal ballot papers are sent out during the two weeks before polling day.
If you are going away you may want to consider appointing a proxy to vote on your behalf instead.
If you have registered for a postal vote you can't vote in person at a polling station but your postal vote can be delivered to a polling station with a completed return of postal voting documents form.
Find out what to do if your postal voting papers are lost or damaged.
Proxy voting
A proxy vote is when you arrange for someone to vote on your behalf. Any elector can request a proxy vote for a particular election as long as they give a reason. There are different forms depending on why you can't get to the polling station - find the right proxy vote application form here.
If you have appointed a proxy to vote on your behalf you can still vote in person at your polling station, provided you vote before your proxy does.
A proxy cannot vote on behalf of more than four people, and only two of these can be residents in the UK.
Emergency proxy vote
If you have had a medical emergency that took place 6 days before an election or less, you can apply to vote by emergency proxy (someone else voting on your behalf). You can apply up until 5pm on election day. But, you must be registered to vote first.
Contact our customer services team, or download an emergency proxy vote form.
Handling of postal votes
You can hand a postal vote into a polling station or at the Town Hall, but you must now complete a ‘return of postal voting documents form’ these are available at polling stations and the Town Hall
You can hand in up to five postal votes for other people and your own, if you try to hand in more than this number the postal votes will be rejected.
Political campaigners are unable to handle postal votes except for their own, a close family member or someone they provide regular care for.
Need a paper form?
If you're not able to print out a postal or proxy vote application form, contact us and we will send one to you.