Our council plan describes our priorities for 2023 to 2027.
Chesterfield Borough is a great place to live, work, visit and invest. We want all our communities to share in the benefits of Chesterfield’s success, enjoying healthy and active lives. We face a challenging time with further reductions in local government funding and an increasing demand for services. The Council Plan helps us to effectively invest and deploy our time, resources and energy to support key services and work with residents, partners and businesses to ensure that everyone in the borough can achieve their full potential.
The Council Plan includes our priorities for the next four years:
- Making Chesterfield a thriving borough
- Improving quality of life for local people
- Building a resilient council
These are the activities on which we will focus our efforts and want to see a real shift in over the four years. The four -ear plan allows us time to plan ahead without trying to speculate about what our communities will need and expect in the distant future. The Plan doesn’t cover in detail everything we do (this is covered in our service plans and annual council plan delivery plan) but we have included some key facts and figures which tell you a bit more about our day-to-day activity.
Throughout the plan development we have been guided by our simple but important vision:
Putting our communities first
Chesterfield Borough Council is here to serve and support our communities including our residents, tenants, businesses, visitors, students and voluntary groups. Together we will continue to make our borough a great place to live, work, visit and invest.
How we will work
It isn’t just what we do that is important, it is the way that we do it. The council has four values that describe how we will work to achieve our vision of putting our communities first.
We are customer focused: delivering great customer service, meeting customer needs. We regularly carry out satisfaction surveys to find out what our communities and residents think of the services we provide. We engage with our residents, tenants, visitors and businesses through a wide range of groups, forums, roadshows and online, seeking their views on our services and how we can improve them. We look to deal promptly and effectively with complaints and always welcome comments and compliments.
We take a can do approach: striving to make a difference by adopting a positive attitude. Our staff come up with and deliver solutions to problems and regularly go the extra mile to ensure our communities are well served. We contribute actively to partnerships with other organisations in the borough and beyond. We manage our suppliers and contractors fairly but robustly to make sure we get the best from the public money we spend.
We act as one council, one team: proud of what we do, working together for the greater good. We value regular and open engagement with all staff and carry out regular surveys to find out how we can improve as an employer. We invest in the development of our staff, regularly attracting additional funding for training. We promote a commercial outlook within our teams, to make sure we secure value for money and look for opportunities to generate additional income that we can then invest in service delivery.
We believe in honesty and respect: embracing diversity and treating everyone fairly. The council has a strong record of going well beyond its statutory equality duties and regularly works with partners to host and promote events throughout the borough that celebrate diversity. Our staff and councillors work well together and individuals are able to express their views openly within their teams and at wider meetings and events.
Council plan document
See the council plan for 2023 to 2027.
The council plan is supported by the 'Council Plan Delivery Plan 2023 to 2024' which sets out the key milestones and measures for progressing year one of the Council Plan 2023 to 2027.